
in #cn7 years ago






轻客户端验证的目标是,生成一个相对轻量的存在证明(任何人都可以通过跟踪一份相对轻量的数据来验证的)。 这种情况下目标就是要证明一笔特定的交易包含在一个特定的区块,并且这个区块包含在一个验证过的特定区块链历史中。

比特币支持交易验证,是假设所有节点都有权访问每年大小为4MB的区块头信息的完整历史记录。 当每秒产生10笔交易时,一个有效的证明需要大约512个字节。对于10分钟一个区块周期时没什么问题,但是对3秒一个区块周期的区块链就不再“轻量”。

EOS.IO 软件可以为任何人提供轻量级证明,这些人是指在交易打包之后拥有不可逆转的头信息的人。使用链式哈希结构可以用一个小于1024字节的证明来证明交易的存在。



需要验证其他链上的证据时,对于时间、空间、带宽可以做多种优化。跟踪所有区块头信息(每年420MB)会保持证据体积较小。只跟踪最近的头信息要在证据大小和最小长期存储之间做出折中。另外,区块链也可以使用懒评估方法,即记录过去证据的中间值。新证明只需要包含指向已知sparse树。确切的方法必然取决于包含了Merkle 证明引用的交易所在的外部区块的比例。





当使用来自外部区块链的默克尔证明时,知道所有的处理过的交易是可用的 与 知道没有交易被跳过或者忽略 有一个重要的区别。然而不可能证明所有近期的交易都是已知的,但是可以证明在交易历史上没有空档。EOS.IO软件通过给每一笔发送到账户的交易做序号排列来促成证明。用户可以使用这些序号来证明所有目标消息都参已经处理了并且是按顺序处理的。




另一个隔离见证的例子就是Steem博客的文章。在这种模型下,一篇 发布文章只包含一个博客内容的SHA256签名,而博客内部会存在隔离见证的数据上。区块生产者会验证内容的存在性以及给定的哈希值,但是来从区块链日志中恢复状态的博客内容不需要存储。这可以在不必须永久存储垃圾信息的情况下验证内容。






Inter Blockchain Communication

EOS.IO software is designed to facilitate inter-blockchain communication. This is achieved by making it easy to generate proof of Action existence and proof of Action sequence. These proofs combined with an application architecture designed around Action passing enables the details of inter-blockchain communication and proof validation to be hidden from application developers, enabling high level abstractions to be presented to developers.

Merkle Proofs for Light Client Validation (LCV)

Integrating with other blockchains is much easier if clients do not need to process all transactions. After all, an exchange only cares about transfers in and out of the exchange and nothing more. It would also be ideal if the exchange chain could utilize lightweight merkle proofs of deposit rather than having to trust its own block producers entirely. At the very least a chain's block producers would like to maintain the smallest possible overhead when synchronizing with another blockchain.

The goal of LCV is to enable the generation of relatively light-weight proof of existence that can be validated by anyone tracking a relatively light-weight data set. In this case the objective is to prove that a particular transaction was included in a particular block and that the block is included in the verified history of a particular blockchain.

Bitcoin supports validation of transactions assuming all nodes have access to the full history of block headers which amounts to 4MB of block headers per year. At 10 transactions per second, a valid proof requires about 512 bytes. This works well for a blockchain with a 10 minute block interval, but is no longer "light" for blockchains with a 0.5 second block interval.

The EOS.IO software enables lightweight proofs for anyone who has any irreversible block header after the point in which the transaction was included. Using the hash-linked structure shown it is possible to prove the existence of any transaction with a proof less than 1024 bytes in size.

Given any block id for a block in the blockchain, and the headers a trusted irreversible block. It is possible to prove that the block is included in the blockchain. This proof takes ceil(log2(N)) digests for its path, where N is the number of blocks in the chain. Given a digest method of SHA256, you can prove the existence of any block in a chain which contains 100 million blocks in 864 bytes.

There is little incremental overhead associated with producing blocks with the proper hash-linking to enable these proofs which means there is no reason not to generate blocks this way.

When it comes time to validate proofs on other chains there are a wide variety of time/ space/ bandwidth optimizations that can be made. Tracking all block headers (420 MB/year) will keep proof sizes small. Tracking only recent headers can offer a trade off between minimal long-term storage and proof size. Alternatively, a blockchain can use a lazy evaluation approach where it remembers intermediate hashes of past proofs. New proofs only have to include links to the known sparse tree. The exact approach used will necessarily depend upon the percentage of foreign blocks that include transactions referenced by merkle proof.

After a certain density of interconnectedness, it becomes more efficient to simply have one chain contain the entire block history of another chain and eliminate the need for proofs all together. For performance reasons, it is ideal to minimize the frequency of inter-chain proofs.

Latency of Interchain Communication

When communicating with another outside blockchain, block producers must wait until there is 100% certainty that a transaction has been irreversibly confirmed by the other blockchain before accepting it as a valid input. Using an EOS.IO software-based blockchain and DPOS with 0.5 second blocks and the addition of Byzantine Fault Tolerant irreversibility, this takes approximately 0.5 second. If any chain's block producers do not wait for irreversibility it would be like an exchange crediting a deposit that was later reversed and could impact the validity of the blockchain's consensus. The EOS.IO Software uses both DPOS and aBFT to provide rapid irreversibility.

Proof of Completeness

When using merkle proofs from outside blockchains, there is a significant difference between knowing that all transactions processed are valid and knowing that no transactions have been skipped or omitted. While it is impossible to prove that all of the most recent transactions are known, it is possible to prove that there have been no gaps in the transaction history. The EOS.IO software facilitates this by assigning a sequence number to every Action delivered to every account. A user can use these sequence numbers to prove that all Actions intended for a particular account have been processed and that they were processed in order.

Segregated Witness

The concept of Segregated Witness (SegWit) is that transaction signatures are not relevant after a transaction is immutably included in the blockchain. Once it is immutable the signature data can be pruned and everyone else can still derive the current state. Since signatures represent a large percentage of most transactions, SegWit represents a significant savings in disk usage and syncing time.

This same concept can apply to merkle proofs used for inter-blockchain communication. Once a proof is accepted and irreversibly logged into the blockchain, the 2KB of sha256 hashes used by the proof are no longer necessary to derive the proper blockchain state. In the case of inter-blockchain communication, this savings is 32x greater than the savings on normal signatures.

Another example of SegWit would be for Steem blog posts. Under this model a post would contain only the sha256(blog content) and the blog content would be in the segregated witness data. The block producer would verify that the content exists and has the given hash, but the blog content would not need to be stored in order to recover the current state from the blockchain log. This enables proof that the content was once known without having to store said content forever.


The EOS.IO software is designed from experience with proven concepts and best practices, and represents fundamental advancements in blockchain technology. The software is part of a holistic blueprint for a globally scalable blockchain society in which decentralized applications can be easily deployed and governed.


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