
in #cn7 years ago




解释:确定性就是说,输入一样,结果也要一样。并行执行 简单理解成同时执行。锁可以理解成你上侧所的时候关门上锁,其他人必须等你出来之后才能进去。

在基于EOS.IO 软件的区块链中,区块生产者的一个任务就是组织消息传递到独立的线程,以便消息可以并行评估。每个账户的状态只取决于发送给它的消息。区块生产者输出的安排是确定性执行,但是输出安排的过程没必要是确定性的。这意味着区块生产者可以使用并行算法来调度安排交易。





Deterministic Parallel Execution of Applications

Blockchain consensus depends upon deterministic (reproducible) behavior. This means all parallel execution must be free from the use of mutexes or other locking primitives. Without locks there must be some way to guarantee that all accounts can only read and write their own private database. It also means that each account processes messages sequentially and that parallelism will be at the account level.

In an EOS.IO software-based blockchain, it is the job of the block producer to organize message delivery into independent threads so that they can be evaluated in parallel. The state of each account depends only upon the messages delivered to it. The schedule is the output of a block producer and will be deterministically executed, but the process for generating the schedule need not be deterministic. This means that block producers can utilize parallel algorithms to schedule transactions.

Part of parallel execution means that when a script generates a new message it does not get delivered immediately, instead it is scheduled to be delivered in the next cycle. The reason it cannot be delivered immediately is because the receiver may be actively modifying its own state in another thread.