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RE: 第一次 ── 我和我的友生

in #cn8 years ago

Kids with pure hearts are always so true and so real, its so easy to spent time with them and carefree haha


Yes!! I really love to spend time with them 😜 And I start to think life can be much happier if we see the world from a kid's perspective :)

The world is simple, only the people are complicated lol~

This is very true!! Things get complicated when people over-think (which we always do Haha)
When I realise I'm " getting complicated", I go to the Nature where I realise I'm actually insignificant when compared to this big big world :)

Haha, I always get complicated in my mind (so much science stuff going on), going to nature can really clear our mind, especially somewhere near the sea side~
(not big big girl in a big big world, lol)

Hahahaa my previous biography is exactly "a big big girl in a big big world"!!!!!!!!!!
We are same generation XDD

I just remember your bio ja
I dunno what song you are talking about wor
(high five~ old generations)

Hahaa then you must be a generation older than me :PP Hello Uncle BiU ^^

you said we are same generation lol, so we are old, Auntie Shirley XD