需要准备低筋面粉 80g、鸡蛋 5 个、纯牛奶 50g 、玉米油 45g、白糖 50g 以及适量柠檬汁。
先把 1/3 的蛋白加到蛋黄糊里,用翻拌的手法拌匀,然后再加入 1/3 的蛋白,同样翻拌均匀,最后把蛋黄糊倒回剩下的蛋白中,继续翻拌均匀。从高处把面糊倒入模具中,震几下,把气泡都震出来。
放入预热好的烤箱中下层,150 度烤 55 分钟。烤好后震出热气,然后倒扣晾凉,接着用刀把蛋糕均匀分成 3 片蛋糕坯。
准备草莓 500g、白糖 150g、柠檬汁 25g 。
把草莓的蒂去掉,切成小块,加入白糖,腌制 2 个小时。
夹心奶油:准备淡奶油 150g、白糖 12g 。
奶盖(淋面用):准备淡奶油 300g、白糖 25g ,打发到呈现半流动的酸奶状态就好啦。
My dears, I recently came across a strawberry waterfall cake that is very popular in Japan. This classic red and white color combination looks like a smooth and round ceramic teapot ornament, but it tastes soft, as if you are eating clouds. The taste is amazing! Today I will share with you how to make this awesome strawberry waterfall cake.
📄【Strawberry Waterfall Cake】making tutorial is here.
🎂First, the chiffon cake (eight inches):
You need to prepare 80g low-gluten flour, 5 eggs, 50g pure milk, 45g corn oil, 50g white sugar and appropriate amount of lemon juice.
Mix the corn oil and pure milk together, stir vigorously until it is emulsified, then sift the low-gluten flour in, stir evenly, then add the egg yolk and continue stirring until it is smooth.
Drop a few drops of lemon juice into the egg white, add the white sugar three times, and start beating. Beat until the egg white can stand upright when the egg beater is lifted.
First, add 1/3 of the egg whites to the egg yolk paste, stir well, then add 1/3 of the egg whites, stir well, and finally pour the egg yolk paste back into the remaining egg whites and continue to stir well. Pour the batter into the mold from a high place, shake it a few times to shake out all the bubbles.
Put it in the middle and lower layer of the preheated oven and bake it at 150 degrees for 55 minutes. After baking, shake out the heat, then turn it upside down to cool, and then use a knife to evenly divide the cake into 3 pieces.
🍓Next is the production of strawberry jam:
Prepare 500g strawberries, 150g white sugar, and 25g lemon juice.
Remove the stems of the strawberries, cut them into small pieces, add white sugar, and marinate for 2 hours.
Simmer over medium-low heat until the flesh becomes soft, add lemon juice, and continue to simmer until the jam becomes slightly thick.
Use a tool to beat the jam until it is smooth, and then sift it again. This jam is used to make the base of the cake.
🥛 Let's talk about the cream part:
Cream filling: prepare 150g whipped cream and 12g white sugar.
Milk cap (for drizzling): prepare 300g whipped cream and 25g white sugar, and beat it until it is in a semi-fluid yogurt state.
🍰Finally, the assembly step:
Spread the cream filling evenly on the cake base, and then put the cut strawberry slices on it. In this way, stack the three layers of cake base, so that you get a naked cake without glazing, and then cut it into small pieces for later use.
Spread a layer of strawberry jam on the bottom of the plate, and put the cut cake pieces in the center of the plate.
Here comes the key point! If you want the cake to look beautiful, first use a spatula to spread a layer of milk cap on the surface of the cake to cover the cake base. Put the remaining milk cap into the piping bag, squeeze a circle on the bottom of the cake where the strawberry jam meets, and squeeze a circle on the top of the cake, so that the milk cap flows down naturally to form a beautiful icing. I personally tested that this operation can better control the shape than directly pouring the milk cap, you must try it!