新鲜蜂蜜吐司真的太好吃了!外脆内软,香甜可口,奶香十足。咬一口,软糯香甜。口感真的很棒,好吃到舔手指!香甜可口,越咬越香。比起糕点房,一点也不平庸。出锅秒售罄,吃完全家都赞不绝口 做法见下图
The fresh honey toast is truly heavenly! It is fresh outwardly and delicate within, sweet and tasty, loaded with milk flavor. It is firm and sweet when you take a nibble. The taste is truly astonishing, so scrumptious that you will lick your fingers! Sweet and delightful, the more you bite, the more fragrant it is. It isn't mediocre compared to the pastry kitchen. It is sold out in seconds after it emerges from the pot. The entire family lauds it subsequent to eating it [Like R] The means are displayed in the image above