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RE: 移情别恋之后

in #cn-programming8 years ago

viva project 你可以去看 vivacoin這個帳號,主要推動者是williambanks。就像我說的,我到現在沒搞太懂。但基本上,似乎是要推動一種未來大家被機器人跟AI取代後,工作這件事成為稀缺資源,那每個人如何在這種形態下獲得基本收入的問題。我感覺這企圖心非常大的,也因此應該會非常困難吧,不知道,等我有空研究通一點,再來發帖介紹吧!目前他們也還在開發階段... 剛剛看到他們最新推出一個交易平台Tradeqwik


No idea what that means @deanliu but google translate says something like you're saying I have a big heart. Thanks for the mention!
Would you like to translate my posts to Chinese and repost them with me?
This is @williambanks by the way, I'm just logged into the TradeQwik account right now.

hi william or tradeqwik, oh I was explaining to cn friends here that viva is really ambitious (big heart comes from here ha!) and how I haven't got time to fully understand it. Do you mean those four viva posts or newer ones? I would love to as I really need to study more as a crown holder. but again, atm time is my only constraint. however, you can sort the priorities for posts that you'd like to get translated, and I will see how many I can manage! Go viva go! :)