It's Sad That Many Steemit Users & Communities Are Gone!

in #club50505 months ago


I've been on Steemit for at least 2 years now, and I was subscribed to a lot of communities that when I check now I find that there is not a single poster!

It's not just about the communities it's about the users; users make up communities, and I think the reason is most people think of Steemit and similar models as a get-rich-quick scheme, and it's not.

Yes, Steemit offers rewards for posts that have got enough upvotes but it's a social media platform and not a job.

What makes Steemit different is; here we share genuine stories and experiences unlike the other platforms where people try to fake their character and pretend they're someone else.

Also, there's verification which doesn't allow for scamming and posting through unknown accounts....etc.

My advice to everyone is; expect nothing out of Steemit, enjoy it as it is, check other people's stories and posts and if you'd like to share yours it's fine.

If you like the model and you'd love to become like the top performing writers on this platform, then just don't forget that it took them years of posting and dedication to this platform, if you were consistent enough you'll surely be successful.

Lastly, what can we do to revive communities that have hundreds of subscribers but not a single poster?


Es realmente como dices, disfrutar de Steemit es lo que cuenta
No podemos andar por aquí esperando ser recompensados rápidamente, si hacemos las cosas bien y con fe llegarás en algun momento a acumular muchas monedas!

Eres bienvenido en Recreative Steem cuando quieras!