
Boy you're an idiot, I am from Honduras, (you just have to look at my profile, if you know how to) where the hell do you get the idea I am British? See that's why you are not believeable you think something and then it's true because you think it is. And apart from this where the hell am I defending the queen? I am just asking @sgtreport to present facts not half truths (with the pledge and the money) he looked it up saw he was wrong and admitted it. Now you, you are just an asshole. Or are you just commenting to upvote yourself and make 1 cent?

The Queen and Prince Charles are both directly linked to the Rothschild's, Jimmy Savile, Edward Heath, the murder of Princess Diana and the Jesuits and the Vatican which has been heavily Involved In pedophilia for decades. You have consistently defended the Rothschild's In the past on numerous other posts, so you're the muppet.

I have never defended the Rothschild's even though I do believe many of the accounts made of them fall into the realm of fantasy, no one is that powerful. But I think you have a very definite lack of comprehension, as I told you I am from Honduras, English is just an acquired language for me, I speak Spanish, and yet I think I have a better understanding of English than you do.

You're just proving, repeatedly, how arrogant you are. Rothschild's with the Jesuits run the FED, CIA, NASA, US and UK governments are corporations, this Is written In law, It Is a point of fact. When you register a child's birth In the US and UK, that certificate Is sold on the Security's Exchange. Our finance and legal system are under Maritime Admiralty Law, these people basically own these governments. Freemasons run It all, If you don't get this or haven't worked this out for yourself yet, how can you claim to have any Intelligence, It Is just arrogance that's what you have lots of.

You said I was a troll, I think you are the troll, and not a very bright one at that.

See how you constantly feel the need to state how people are Idiots, these are Saul Alinsky tactics accuse everyone of what you are and have done. Simple fact, this Isn't about me and you, this about an evil agenda to depopulate and enslave humanity. It's free will, you're either with them and have chosen the darkness or you've chose to fight on the side of the light. You choose, this Isn't a game this Is a spiritual war and all I notice Is you keep defending the evil like the Rothschild's and Royalty.

I chose Jesus and I will follow his word and his example and I will shine a light on to the darkness In this world, and I will never back down. Jesus and the light of truth will make us free.

Look first you called me a disgrace to Britain, I am not British so you are insulting me without even knowing who I am, then you called me a muppet for defending the Rothschilds, something I have never done, then you called me arrogant because I called you an idiot, so tell me who is right here? You are an idiot. You can't even understand what you read, you probably believe these monarchs and elites are reptiles just waiting for the right time to eat everyone. And now you are taking it down a religious path and I'm not going there, so this is the last time I am answering you.

Well I've edited the Britain part, that was an Incorrect assumption on my part. You are very arrogant and you have proven this on multiple occasions, you have also down played Rothschild Involvement In the New World Order, whether you did this through Ignorance I don't know, but either way you were helping defend the very evil people who are trying to bring In a New World Order. You already know It all though, so you are a muppet, It Is a good job there are many of us that do get what Is happening and are fighting back.