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RE: Why is the Queen Funding The Clinton Crime Syndicate? Wet Works... Eugenics... Or Both?

in #clinton7 years ago (edited)

See how you constantly feel the need to state how people are Idiots, these are Saul Alinsky tactics accuse everyone of what you are and have done. Simple fact, this Isn't about me and you, this about an evil agenda to depopulate and enslave humanity. It's free will, you're either with them and have chosen the darkness or you've chose to fight on the side of the light. You choose, this Isn't a game this Is a spiritual war and all I notice Is you keep defending the evil like the Rothschild's and Royalty.

I chose Jesus and I will follow his word and his example and I will shine a light on to the darkness In this world, and I will never back down. Jesus and the light of truth will make us free.


Look first you called me a disgrace to Britain, I am not British so you are insulting me without even knowing who I am, then you called me a muppet for defending the Rothschilds, something I have never done, then you called me arrogant because I called you an idiot, so tell me who is right here? You are an idiot. You can't even understand what you read, you probably believe these monarchs and elites are reptiles just waiting for the right time to eat everyone. And now you are taking it down a religious path and I'm not going there, so this is the last time I am answering you.

Well I've edited the Britain part, that was an Incorrect assumption on my part. You are very arrogant and you have proven this on multiple occasions, you have also down played Rothschild Involvement In the New World Order, whether you did this through Ignorance I don't know, but either way you were helping defend the very evil people who are trying to bring In a New World Order. You already know It all though, so you are a muppet, It Is a good job there are many of us that do get what Is happening and are fighting back.

Look, I told you I wasn't going to answer you, but I'll just set something straight, you are taking as true something you don't know, I don't do that, for example, the concept that Trump is a Russian tool, I don't like Trump but why would I have to believe that, no one has come up with definite proof, just maybe? Now if someone comes up with definite proof I would agree with it. The Rothschilds are accused of a lot of things, do you have proof? No, you don't, I don't either so I 'm not going to take as fact something that is hypothetical, it might be true, or it might not, so I just don't jump to conclusions without having facts, now I might assume but I will let you know it is something I think not something I am certain of.

The fact that the US and the UK are actually Corporations, which Is a point of fact, while the majority of people In those nations think that they live In a Free Sovereign country Is proof of a Conspiracy.

And yet this guy was a Catholic, so you've got to rethink your theories.

You are an absolute fool, no theories you muppet.

The New World Order Is a Roman Empire run by the Jesuits, Rome Is the Spiritual Centre, Rothschild's control banking for them, London Is the Financial Centre, Washington D.C Is the Military centre this Is fact and Eisenhauer and Kennedy knew what was going on. The fact that Kennedy was a Catholic Is Irrelevant, It just proves he was a very good man. The Jesuits worship Dagon and lucifer. I worked this out and you are proving once more how you constantly attempt to discredit this Information.

You have now gone from calling me a disgrace, a muupet arrogant and now a fool, I still think all you are is an asshole, at least I am consistent.

The only thing your consistent about Is discrediting the Information. You are a disinformation troll.