“UNDENIABLE” Mind Control
Really? A fact of life? Well that’s interesting because if it weren’t for news sources such as the star (very original name btw) I don’t think I would even notice a difference in the climate. Matter of fact, I don’t notice it now. Even with M.0.P. (Ministry Of Propaganda) Media. Telling me every single day of the week and twice on sundays.
Let me ask you (the reader) a question. It’s one I ask all the chicken little, sky is falling citizens.
Where did you first learn about climate crisis/climate disruption/climate change/global warming/global cooling.
A. At the park?
B. From a polar bear in the arctic?
C. In your backyard?
D. The mainstream media told you so?
If you answer anything other than D, you’re hilarious and also a liar. No one here would think anything was different if the idea hadn’t been drilled into their heads over and over.
As far as the science goes all that rise in temperature is the result of recent adjustments (tampering) to the datasets. There’s no real warming. Nothing even close to their climate models. Anyways I’m not gonna waste any energy explaining it. I’ve got like 10 posts explaining all this crap. I’ll link them below. ENJOY!
P.S. Climate Change & Sustainable Development are a political Agenda. It’s chicken little fear-mongering to get you to live like little climate bitches in their ‘sustainable’ cities. No property, no land to call your own. Enjoy eating crickets and synthetic crispr plants in the near future.
VenomnymouS Out!
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Yeah, that is part of the trouble - the human inability to compare things that are years apart.
Another part is the inability to accept that what you feel is less important than what is objectivly there.
Yes, and the media banks on the shitty memories of the masses. Who can’t seem to remember last week, let alone the past decade of temperature.
Great work my friend and again good to have you back; as you know, I don't normally drop posts but:
In relation to that newspaper title, I think you'll be very interested in the article (I'm hoping) to post tomorrow. It is also a sequel to the post below, again knowing you I think you'll be very interested in reading it .. but don't upvote it as it's past date: https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@perceptualflaws/bloodlines-of-the-serpent-gods-chapter-3-a-green-phoenix-rising-building-the-one-world-disorder
Right on, thanks. I’m gonna check it out now!
Thanks mate!