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RE: Rigging the belittling the label that stabs in its fake contextual jab... [Truther, Denier, insert label here]
I was using you in the hypothetical, like a synonym for one. I need to stop doing that as it is indeed confusing.
Cool that makes sense. I do that sometimes too and it indeed can confuse things.
Labels are quite useful in designating the teams
The problem is not every situation is a sporting event or team issue. People due try to treat them as they are though. That's probably a big part of the problem.
Yep, intellectual issues are by no means sporting events.
Another thing at play when you think about it is that we start identifying with the labels too and when we start seeing data that contradicts the position we have accepted, sometimes we prefer keeping our identity and label and we ignore the contradicting evidence to do so. That's why accepting a label immediately makes us more close-minded.
On reddit (back when I used it) I was literally called a leftist and a rightest in the same thread. It's happened more than once. LOL. I don't use reddit anymore. Steemit is my home online.
Another thing at play? no pun right?