Three Years To Save Our Planet (((ALERT IMMINENT)))
Hello Steemit Ecological Community
Our planet devastated by climate change, with floods, thunderstorms, hurricanes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and unbearable droughts may seem like an image of the future.
No one can predict with certainty what or when these natural phenomena will occur, but the earth is already experiencing a series of effects that we cannot evade.
Reading in different websites on climate change and new news related to this issue of vital importance, we find an open letter written by a group of experts, who alert that the planet is about three years Before the worst effects of climate change occur, and these effects are irreversible.

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This letter published on June 28, 2017 and written by six prominent scientists and diplomats talks about the need for the whole world to change its thinking and urges Governments, private companies, researchers and ordinary citizens to address the Global greenhouse gas emissions from this very moment and before it's too late.
For anyone is a secret that every year we live more and worse natural disasters, it is evident the rampant rise in temperature in several places in the world, as for example, this year 2017, is recorded the most extreme temperature in Iran, the city of Ahvaz Record a historical maximum of 54 º C/129.2 ° F the highest global temperature in modern times.
The flooded coastal cities are becoming more and more globally, the average sea-level rate increased by 50% in the last two decades.
Figures like these, without leaving aside forest fires and indiscriminate logging of forests, air pollution in the great cities of the world, etc ... we are filled with concern about the future of our only home, our battered Planet Earth.
In this interesting and very complete letter published by the journal NATURE This group of experts led by the researcher and former head of environment at the UN, Christiana Figueres, and physicist Stefan Rahmstorf, explain six goals to get from here to the Year 2020:
To increase renewable energies to 30% of the use of electricity.
Projects and plans for cities and states to abandon fossil fuel energy in 2050, with funding of $300 billion annually.
Ensure that 15% of all new vehicles sold are electric.
Reduce net emissions from deforestation.
Publish a plan to halve emissions from deforestation by 2050.
Encourage the financial sector to issue more "green bonds" for climate mitigation efforts.
Friends of Steemit, this is our main means to disseminate this vital information, please let us reach many more this important note to our world and the conscience of all change and we join IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE before it is too late

Give him Click here and read the complete letter published by Nature Magazinea
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