These species could disappear due to climate change
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Hey Dear Ecological Community of Steemit
Today we want to share with you one of the most striking effects that can cause our lack of interest in the fight against climate change, (extinction)
Imagine a world without panda bears or bears Polar, elephants, orangutans or sea turtles?, or imagine it without humans?, these questions seem like a horror movie, but we are not far from that...
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One of the six species is in extinction danger through the fault of the climate change. There is many other in tail. We, the human beings, also
From 1970 to 2010 have seen their population decreased by 52 percent more than 10,000 vertebrate populations – mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians –. The International Union for the conversation of nature also states that 35 percent of birds, 52 percent of amphibians and 71 of corals, are particularly vulnerable to climate change.
The information on a global scale confirms that the biodiversity is seriously threatened, with an alarming rhythm of extinction of species considered from 100 to 1.000 times bigger than the natural rhythm.
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The most sensitive species are those that have little capacity for migration, and whose niche is in mountain areas, Andean wastelands and areas of low temperatures, because they are very sensitive to climate changes.
The expansion of some populations to territories previously only populated by unspoken animals, the exploitation of natural resources to the detriment of the autochthonous faunas or the effects of the accelerated and aggravated climate change by the man are some of the causes That cause, at greater or lesser speed, the disappearance of more than one species.
Friends of Steemit, this is a list of some animal species that are at risk of extinction, included in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
1 Panda.
2 polar bear.
3 African elephant.
4 sea turtle.
5 orang-utan of Borneo.
6 Blue Whale.
7 Giraffes
8 Bees
9 Coral horn of Arce.
10 humanity.

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- Let's use the water in a way.
- Restore the forests.
- Keep the habitats.
- Avoid contamination.
- We live grateful to our planet.
Friends of Steemit, this is our main means to disseminate this vital information, please let us reach many more this important note to our world and the conscience of all change and we join IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE before it is too late.

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