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RE: The IPCC Prepares to Release More Hot Air

in #climate6 years ago

"They" are hoping you'll buy the lie, wait for natural cycles to disrupt the climate, continue to blame, shame and tax you, (and maybe some of your loved ones must die to save humanity) so they continue to accumulate wealth & power, the serfs descend back into malnourished poverty and the elite ride out the climate cycle in style.
There is a problem. The Sun. Natural cycles. It's not you and me. Pollution, that's one thing. But not anthropogenic climate change. That's just normal cycles dressed up to make us think it's our fault.
Glacial cycles on Earth are the norm, lasting around 100,000 years... And inter-glacial periods last 10 - 15 thousand years. The Earth is cooling, despite the lies to the contrary. "Hottest Years Ever!" Look back at global temps in the 1930's.
Do a little more research.