Climate Change Reality ~ I Reject Your Reality And Substitute My Own

in #climate5 years ago

There are many people rabbiting on about 'the science of global warming' what they are really saying is 'I reject your reality and substitute my own'. I for one am becoming impatient with the stupidity and the rubbish that is being taught in classrooms, our children are being taught that the world will end in 2030 if we dont have a carbon tax.

Global warming has been with us for over 100 years and will last for about another 150 years, you had better get used to it.

In the 1920's Geophysicist and astronomer Milutin Milanković proposed that climate and weather patterns occurred in cycles that could be calculated, the so called Milankovitch cycles.This has subsequently been proven.

In the graphs below an inspection of the charts clearly shows a climate cycle of about 1000 years, each temperature event being named by history: Roman Warm Period (RWP); Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA); Little Ice Age (LIA); Global Warming (GW).

The current global warm period temperature has increased rapidly in Australia but seems to be following the normal curve for Europe, however, we may find that the peak temperature may be as high as the Roman warm period. The changes will become clearer as the sea ice melts and Greenland and Iceland become more habitable. Sea level is expected to rise about 20cm as land based ice melts. Sea ice melting does not affect sea level.

There are obviously climate change scare tactics being used around the world, and scare tactics are usually used to manipulate the way people think, and for some people to gain power.

From: Global warming in the context of 2000 years of Australian alpine temperature and snow cover

by Hamish McGowan, John Nikolaus Callow, Joshua Soderholm, Gavan McGrath, Micheline Campbell & Jian-xin Zhao

Reconstructed Yarrangobilly Caves Tmax (5 yr mean) for the Australian alpine area showing departure from the 1961–1990 mean (a); reconstructed Northern Hemisphere temperatures and associated departure from the 1961–1990 mean blue line40 and red line41 (b); tropical hydroclimate variability for the western Pacific using the proxy LLPC142 (c); warm season temperature reconstruction for Mt. Read, Tasmania based on Huon pine growth rings43 (d); annual number of days with snow cover >50 cm at Deep Creek, Snowy Mountains, Australia (e).

Note: 'I reject your reality and substitute my own' attributed to 'Dr. Who' and widely used by Adam Savage.

This article is written in Australian English with some vernacular. All content on this website including reference data is for informational purposes only and this information should not be considered complete accurate or up-to-date and while all care is taken no responsibility is accepted or implied.
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I haven't seen this video before, thank you for sharing it. I am aware that NASA has been tampering with data, both measured on earth and that measured from outer space, this is the supposed 'corrections'.
A retired employee of the Australian BOM confessed that temperatures were consistently cherry-picked to show the highest temperatures. Again making data fit the theory.
The reports on Antarctic sea ice is often exaggerated or cherry picked to make it look worse than it is.
Unfortunately 'climate change' is a religion for many people, they do not yet realise that they have false prophets. Any attempt to change their minds with logic will only make their beliefs stronger.
Thank you for your reply its nice to get some feedback.

Thanks for speaking out; nowadays this is considered heresy ;)
I think this whole climate change is one huge smoke screen, but then I try to stop thinking about all that is wrong...
Truth is being cherry picked.

Mother nature always rules!
Just blame the McMafia 👍

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