Globalist Elite funding Global Warming hoax!

in #climate9 years ago

This one will ruffle a few feathers!

George Soros paid Al Gore millions to lie about Global Warming! Now a Fact!

Lets start in a different place... Poverty!

To eliminate 90% of crime you need to eliminate poverty. That is where most crime comes from. How do you eliminate poverty? You need to increase productivity in an economy. What has been significantly stunting productivity growth in the 21st century?

Agenda 21, the move towards sustainable development. Based on the idea that humans can actually make a difference with regards to climate change. The climate has been changing for thousands of years and there is nearly nothing humans can do to stop that. However, these climate change/global warming policies have significantly decreased productivity almost to a stand still. This causes wealth the dry up in an economy.

A population in poverty becomes much easier to control (despite crime) because they are so dependent of government assistance. This is what manifests when you allow government to continue to grow its sphere of influence.

If Agenda 21 was not implemented and the government got out of the way and allowed the free market to grow and prosper, it would incentivise innovation and invention, thus new technologies and ideas are produced at a much more rapid rate, alleviating many potential problems that may exist on Earth.

Yes, I hear the 99.9% of people screaming about fossil fuels and carbon emissions and the ozone layer. And yes we don't need to reiterate that because we have been flooded with information on this by the mainstream media and's all a farce! Carbon dioxide is 100% necessary for planet earth to function.

Volcanoes produce more CO2 each year than all factories, transport and human emissions combined.
More still come from animals and bacteria....also dying vegetation.
150 gigatonnes come from animals per year and only 6.5 gigatonnes from humans.
However, the ocean is by far the biggest emitter of carbon dioxide.

The human body emitts carbon dioxide after processing oxygen.

2 billion people in the world live without electricity. These people are forced to burn all sorts of things including old animal dung which is the worst form of air pollution.
4 million people die per year from respiratory problems due to these toxic fumes.

The climate change hoax has a massive impact on these poor Africans and other developing countries. These 3rd world countries are forced to use wind and solar powered electricity which is at least 3 times more expensive and much more inefficient.

This is killing the African dream, and that is to develop.

"The poorest developing countries will be hit earliest and hardest by climate change, even though they have contributed little to causing the problem" - Nicholas Stern

Yes they have contributed little, if anything and so have all other countries on Earth. Now I am not talking about pollution, some countries are much more polluted than others.

But if as they say it is carbon that is changing climate and causing global warming then the ocean and volcanoes have contributed to pretty much all climate change. And if I am not mistaken haven't oceans and volcanoes been around for all of Earths history. Maybe we need a policy to get rid of volcanoes and oceans then. Maybe humans need to stop breathing because our bodies emit carbon dioxide to process oxygen. Obviously making it this clear shows its insanity.

It is through Agenda 21, and the current roll out of Agenda 2030, that restricts economies, suffocates productivity and holds back mankind from the creative and innovative potential that has been stiffled by the United Nations and global governance policy! It essentially vaccums wealth from the lower and middle classes and sucks it up to the government and the banking system which is their whole agenda behind it all!

In Australia, the government spends 412 more on solar power subsidies than coal for the exact same amount of power produced! We are not here to save Earth, we are on this planet to save the human race...and right now government and authorities are doing everything possible to put as many people as they can in poverty!

And now we know as we believed all along, the Globalist Elites including George Soros have been funding the global warming campaigns to align with their agendas.