Elon Musk's Win for Renewables in Australia

in #climate7 years ago (edited)

Australia has for too long been lagging in the realms of effective policy to tackle the issue of climate change. This has been contributed by the fact that we change our prime ministers like we change our underwear which has effectively led to an effective stale mate at the satisfaction of vested coal interests. As well as that, our power prices are out of control despite the fact that we are being sold on the fact that coal power is cheap.

In fact, rather than seeking sensible, effective solutions our current federal government was recently involved in a deplorable propaganda campaign (costing millions of taxpayer dollars) questioning the reliability and future of renewable energy in Australia. This occurred following intense storms earlier in the year that destroyed power infrastructure that left South Australia without power for days (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-20/thousands-without-power-after-wild-storms-cross-sa/8196630)

This is why I'm pleased to hear that Elon Musk will come to an agreement with the state minister Mr Jay Weatherall to provide 100MW of battery storage; the largest such storage facility in the world (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-07/sa-to-get-worlds-biggest-lithium-ion-battery/8687268). He is also promising to provide it in within 100 days or it's free! This whole fiasco highlights how useless our federal government has been in supporting South Australia and seeking a long-term solution.

I hope that Elon will deliver and accelerate the transition to a cleaner future in Australia and for the rest of the World!
