Meeting for a good cause!

It's not a secret that, as an artist, I receive numerous invitations for events etc- which is a great thing as I get in touch with a very decent part of the London community, people of genuine interest about art and humanities. Dr Kiki Sonidou, an acclaimed doctor and Greek herself, is one of those.

In the Royal Society of Medicine


In a Greek community Gala in north London


Kiki is a doctor and I am a pianist, so there is nothing much in common- at least on the surface. Our yesterday's meeting though proved the opposite. Having some typical English afternoon tea and scones in Westfield's Cafe Concerto was enough to enable some very interesting initiatives about the future.

waiting for the tea to come


Both being sensitive about humanitarian issues, we decided to organise a charity piano recital-gala in London.

"Elpida" is the leading charity supporting children with cancer in Greece. Under its auspices there is a hospital, plus many other facilities serving the purpose of treating young patients who are in need. And all this happens for FREE. Thanks to its private sponsors and charitable events, "Elpida" manages to help those kids and their families for over 20 years now, a result of hard and long-term work of its fantastic President, Mrs Marianna Vardinogianni.

More to follow. Stay tuned! Time to practice a bit of chamber music for now...
