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RE: Class Action Suit Against Stox

in #classaction6 years ago

Hi @ulqu3

I'm afraid that using bidbots right now will always get you in trouble. Just the way you become downvotes (without any warning) by current few flaggers.

"I think we should build blockchain" -> I lauged so badly once I've seen that sentence hehehehe :) good one

To answer your questions:
I strongly believe that tokenizing ownership would solve most problems. In case of Stox - investors didn't have anything that could back up value of purchased token. So perhaps STOs would be solution? That's what I like to think :)

from what I remember,Floyd Mayweather had to pay some fine for promoting this ICO (or was it different one?) and was forbidden to promote any ICO in the future.

Enjoy your weekend buddy, upvote on the way.


It's pretty ridiculous man. People who own bots flagging posts of those who use other bots and claiming they are helping steem smh.

Tokenisation could work. But the stakes are high. Imagine losing the digital keys to your house haha

Yeah Mayweather promoted ICOs run by Centra Tech. They include Stox and Sirin Labs

Hi @ulqu3

I absolutely agree with you :/

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