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RE: Why bother with circle jerks?

in #circlejerk7 years ago (edited)

Well there are many models to gain the money needed, one of the most popular is the taxation model that I used for my calculation above. Other popular ones are more local (based on citizenship) and others are ressource based like alaska. I never claimed the state can give out money for free, I dont know why you are arguing against something that i never said nor implied.

The UBI is on all cases a % of a value(work, ressources, etc) and thus should be rather immune to inflation on its own.

It is also an addition (compared to the multiplicative nature of minimum wage). It is much harder to negate an addition than a multiplication through division.


I dont know why you are arguing against something that i never said nor implied.

I'm not arguing with you at all. I am stating my problems/concerns with UBI.

Sry, but you mentioned that a couple of times and I was honestly getting a little annoyed by it. No offense, I love you mate ;)

Because you said we disagreed on UBI. I was telling you what it would take to get me to agree that UBI could work.

I meant the free money part.... Or do you need free money to agree on UBI?! xD

No for me to agree UBI could work I need to know the answer to these three things in a rational way, not simply because it is compassionate or sounds good. The answer does not have to come from you. SO I am not telling you that this is your duty to convince me. Without these things I see it as yet another program that is essentially continually kicking the can down the road.

  • Who pays for the UBI, or where does it come from? - In a way that does not require completely retooling the world economies, as none of the big people proposing it are planning on doing that.
  • How will infusing the economy with all of this new money be resistant to causing inflation, and thus make everything cost more, and thus result in continually having to increase the UBI to keep up with inflation, and thus fueling inflation. (aka kicking the can down the road)
  • What is to stop new fees, taxes, etc from being proposed that consume all of the UBI and make it as though it didn't exist. Give me $10K but then create $10K in new taxes, and fees. The UBI might as well not exist then. Combine this with the other two points and it'd potentially make things much worse than they already are.

Those currently are my three sticking points with the concept of UBI.

I can see your concerns. Well I wanted to post about the topic anyways. Maybe I can get you with some emotional statement ;). I cant even say for sure that BUI will work, but it is a much simpler experiment than Anarcho-Capitalism ;)

I'm pretty sure it will be tried. Yet not all the problems in the world are due to lack of money. Anarcho-Capitalism is a LONG TERM goal. It deals with a lot more issues than those simply existing due to money. Yet I don't expect to see it in my life time... if it ever happens it'll be likely generations from now. Just taking stepping stones towards it.

If UBI has some magical way of not running afoul of my three points of concern that I mentioned, I haven't seen them yet. So if it does work it could be a good thing. Yet many things SOUND good until they are implemented. If they want to try it as an experiment... go for it.

Sadly governments don't seem to like to admit if an experiment fails... they just keep pushing it. That is also a concern. If it fails, will they take a step back?

On that note I have a nice anecdote from German politics:

we had the "Pendler-Pauschale". It was meant to endorse people to take jobs further away from home by giving them 50 cent per month for every kilometer to work.

A few years ago, when we had elections, some of our politics proclaimed: We want to get rid of these unnecessary subventions in the free market. People thought, 'hey they want to stop all this strange money flowing from state to corps' (see food subvention ie).
They got rid of one subvention after the election, they killed the Pendler-Pauschale.....

UBI has the potential to fulfill one of the bug goals of socialism; no extreme poverty. Thats why its kinda important to me.

We do not live in a world that is resource driven economy. Those billionaires advocating for a UBI are not advocating for completely changing everything about how the world works. They are not advocating pushing a reset button and THEN trying it.

Thus, UBI when they speak about it is about paying people currency in an equal amount to every human.

That is being proposed to be dumped into the world as it works now.

If you want to press a reset button and switch to resource based I don't think you'd hear those billionaires supporting you as they'd suddenly lose a lot of their power and wealth.

So that leads me to suspect that the UBI they are speaking about is simply cold hard cash given to everyone.

If you want to press a reset button and switch to resource based I don't think you'd hear those billionaires supporting you as they'd suddenly lose a lot of their power and wealth.

Many of them have a ton of investments. And I am pretty sure I dont want the same thing those billionaires want, just because they call their ideas "UBI". Same for me with many people who called their ideas communism ;).

Also if the people in power will never ever make a fair deal with the world, we are forced to be violent and will most likely lose. I believe as well that all states and big corps are corrupted and will fight to keep the status quo, but that should not stop us from developing alternatives to our current society.

I hate it when that happens... brb....