The Style of Kubrick

Stanley Kubrick was a multifaceted director who ventured into several genres of films in which appear: four warlike, two police, two science fiction, two period dramas, a horror fiilm and two flims about sex. Stanley to use contrasts (good and evil, love and hate, sex and violence, desire and fear, fidelity and betrayal.) As one of recurring themes, a tool that he would repeat in most of his films.
Kubrick´style can not be normalized in a single concept but one speaks of the way to represent his cinema was a very risky and particular way the gave novel lessons to watch and to watch the cinema until his time.

Type of Photograph: Being a photographer since he was young, Kubrick was very experienced in photographic composition, one of first works before being a director was a photographer in a magazine.

Direction: The style of Kubruck basically are two very important things perfectionism and its obsession. He was very strict whit the actors and many came to hate him for being so but so perfectionist, in the case of the Clockwork Orange, he repeated the scene where they lowered the writer by the scales 53 time because an actor did not do his job well, actor i get to be very angry but if i did not make the scene as Kubrick wanted to lose the scene of the film and did not care how long it took to archieve the whole film process would do what possible to do so.
¡Thank you Stanley!

Stanley, Stanley Photographer, Stanley Director, The Shining, Stanley Clockwork, A flim by, Barra.
My favorite director of all times!
This man was as true genius :)
I agree with what you say... Thank for comment