13 and GOD

in #church7 years ago

13! & Jesus⛄... 🌊

"What do I honestly know I was going to be doing with Jesus at 13?!"💁🏼 those where the sincere thoughts that spiraled in my heart that sublime Friday evening when my dad told me I was going to be taking the baptismal class in my church for me to give my life to Christ and get baptized... It sounded really esoteric but I had no choice, I mean this was my dad talking! (the rest of the story is on my blog 'The big One 9').

Having gone through all the phase I was finally inducted into the happy Jesus family. The truth was I felt very indifferent because heaven did not open for me and A dove descended you know the rest 😄...

Forward into 8 years later, my dad really did place me on a life changing path. The trajectory of my life was altered for the best! The sequel to my story was how things started panning out in my life, God knew the only way He could get my attention was to allow me experience low points and it was then I had to cry out for help literally. Trust me, when I tell you God knows what He's doing! 🙂

Do you know as early as 16 and 17! I started getting speaking engagements, I remember when I got an extemporaneous invite to talk to some 60 or about 62 young adults around my age it was thrilling. There I was standing as a young man waiting to get into the University to study Medicine and God perfectly orchestrated everything. From speaking it spiraled into getting invites to come and share the little of God's word I know to His people in churches. Hallelujah!

I was just sitting in church for Bible study one evening and like a bomb hash tag ChurchOnTheStreet dropped in my heart- "You can bring this Jesus to my people Itofa!" adrenaline literally started pumping, I get butterflies in my tummy and jittery when I get excited😀 so basically ChurchOnTheStreet was launched! Glory to God! It has made its way into China, The UK, The US and Canada. We are going to bring Jesus to the 7continents that's ChurchOnTheStreet mantra!

That's not all, TheGodCulture blog is going to be turning 3! And God has used it in reaching hundreds! We've literally broken from the African continent. The visitors status shows readers from Canada, China, Australia, The US....Jesus must just be preached! In fact, when the blog was still one year old Carl Wright an adept Canadian blogger and preacher gave the blog an award of recognition for talking about Jesus!... My testimony o kpoju 😁

Now, imagine if I had not met Jesus! We are praying for souls all over the world. You need Jesus for your life to have a meaning. I pray this story inspires faith in you in Jesus name Amen!.
