🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之一 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #1 🎄
即日起開啟 #christmas-countdown 系列,用來記錄今年我們帶著小孩出去看到的,聖誕景象囉!歡迎一起來記錄,你所在城市的聖誕氣氛!
今天首發:新北市板橋耶誕城。昨晚去的,人多到嚇人,真有跨年活動的感覺啊!趕緊拍了一些照片就離開,到板橋街上走走,看大家都開心的 ... ^_^
This post is the start of my own #christmas-countdown for recording what we have seen when we take our kid out this year in Taipei. You are welcome to join this recording, share how your city decorate herself in this coming Christmas!
Today I share the ChristmasCityof the New Taipei City which we went last night.
1st tag misspelled. Embarrassing. ;)
我們這裡沒甚麼聖誕氣氛 .....
商場有這個三不像 ..... 唉…

頭獎大熱門 💪
Fantastic Photos, the clarity is amazing! Very nice post here, Thanks.
wonderful photography.I like your photography.
哈喽!cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 谢谢你对cn区的贡献。让我们携手努力,共同促进cn区快速发展。更多cn区动态,请留意我的主页。欢迎关注我们的大股东 @skenan,并注册使用由其开发的 CNsteem.com。如果我打扰到你,请回复“取消”。
Nice photography .. see my world @hasan086
歐~~ 那裡好熱鬧啊!!!
部分家長的噩夢 XDwaw! extraordinary. Interesting
Nice, love the christmas vibe.