
Hey there! Sorry I haven't yet been able to follow up on your last reply on your post. But great seeing you here!

So I'm pretty sure you're somehow misunderstanding me at this point, or maybe you're supposing me to say something I'm not based on the subject matter. I don't think we have had any real theological disagreements at all yet, you just seem to be missing the subtler points I'm trying to make. If you think there are points of theology that I am getting wrong you will need to point it out for me more explicitly.

I've read the article you linked. It is a good one, and there too I don't see anything that is in theological disagreement with me. Actually I think my post here gets pretty aligned with what the author is saying there. What he calls "Original Sin" I refer to as "temptation to sin" in my post, and we both basically agree that an unchosen condition can still qualify as one. If you think that I'm saying because people may be born gay that makes it okay, then you need to pay more attention - I explicitly explained in the section "if homosexuality is not a choice, can it be a sin?" that, just like with pedophilia, being born with a condition does not automatically make acting on that condition okay.

What I am here disputing is whether homosexual acts are sinful in themselves at all. The author of your article implicitly assumes homosexual acts are sinful. If this is true, then homosexuality itself is a condition of Original Sin as he says. However I am saying there is not enough good reason to be sure that homosexual acts are in fact sinful. I do not infer this from whether or not it is in born or whether or not it is a choice.