in #christianity7 years ago

Adonai is a title for Yahweh in the Old Testament that means Lord or Master or Owner. When we asked Jesus to come into our hearts, we made a decision to make Him the owner and master of all in our lives. Recently, God taught me that when we come to Him, we do not have the right to cherry pick what to give to Him.

We ought to give Him all and not some. I am not referring to money or time what I am referring to is our emotions, our depressions, our hardship, our frustrations, those things that easily weigh us down, our faulty marriages, our disobedient and rebellious children, our lack and want and everything that there is. God wants to be the master over them all. We are not meant to carry any burden. He wants to carry them for us. He wants to see that our lives here on earth is stress less (even when we are faced with challenges.) and that is why He is our Adonai.

David said He has set Adonai always before him meaning he has made God his Master and Lord, he has a working and a close-knit relationship with his master and owner.

Because He is at my right hand; for a typical Hebrew/Jew the right hand is very symbolic. It established authority and strength. When someone is place on the right hand or when a right hand is placed over someone that means you are strengthening the fellow or you are giving him/her a place of authority (see Genesis 48:17, Psalms 63:8, 73:23,60:5, Mathew 22:44). It is a means of transference of all that one owns.

God at our right hand means with Him as my authority, with Him as my owner, with Him as my strength. We draw our strength from Him and our whole being revolves around that strength. (Acts 17:28). He is the center of our being and all things consist in Him (Colossians 1:17).

Because we have made God our Lord and Master and we have given Him full rein over our lives, nothing shall move us. Whether poverty, lack, deprivation, divorce and what have you. We draw our strength from Him to be able to overcome the devices of Satan and the challenges of life. He is our strength and authority therefore we are overcomers. Praise God!