Be Encouraged - It Is Not Time to Quit

in #christianity7 years ago

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Here is just a motivational talk for believers out there on this Sunday morning as we prepare to go and serve God in our different churches. Remember the most priority is to thank God for giving us another brand new day. It is a privilege and not a right, many would have loved to see this day, but they are gone. It is not because their sins are too many, or that we that are privileged to be alive are righteous, it is just by the grace of God. So whatever you might be going through today, just know the end of it will surely come and there is going to be light at the end of the tunnel. Do not allow your faith to shake in the Lord, believe in Him, continue to pray, trust Him completely and be obedient to His word. You know Hebrews 11: 6 has this to say:

"But without faith, it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

For us to move forward from where we are at the moment, we need to learn to face our fears and move past them. For being a Christian does not mean we are fearless, as we all have fears (more especially if we have failed tremendously in the past) but what is important is that we rely on the word of God to help us move beyond our failures and fears.

As we begin to walk out the plan that God has for us, we will no doubt be met with unpredicted failures, battles, roadblocks, setbacks, mountains and giants along our path. The secret to success is to continue to pray, press toward the mark, raise the banner of our prayers, and refuse to quit.
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When David (the young shepherd boy) was told by his father to take provisions to his brothers who were at the war front, little did he know that it was a battle that will shot him into fame as he walked to a scene of battle that was inactive as the Israelites has become cold due to the harassment of the giant Goliath. The Israelites were frozen in fear because of a mere mortal known as Goliath. When David arrived, he heard the taunts of the giant and had no hesitation to go out and fight with him. Why you might ask? Because he learnt to face the fears that the Israelites were running away from. He accepted the challenge and quickly defeated the giant with one rock and a slingshot.

Just like David, let us sum up the courage to face fears and battles and with God by our side, we will surely win.

Have a happy Sunday.

Encouraging Bible Verses:

1 Samuel 17: 33 - 45

2 Timothy 1: 7

Romans 8: 31 - 32

Philipians 3: 14