in #christianity19 days ago


"THEN HE SAID TO THE KEEPER OF HIS VINEYARD, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. CUT IT DOWN; WHY DOES IT USE UP THE GROUND?’ "
Luke 13:7 (NKJV)

Comment: God would not want anyone who professes to be of Him to be barren or be unfruitful (John 15:2,16). Believers are appointed and chosen that we might go and bear fruit and that the fruit should remain or abound (John 15:16). To be unfruitful as a believer is an aberration, an abnormality—It is not normal in the Kingdom of God.
The passage of the Bible, the text of this teaching, is showing us God's attitude and response to the unfruitfulness or unprofitableness of a believer. God detests unfruitfulness of a believer in any form.
The text is extracted from the teaching of Jesus Christ, one of the parables (Luke 13:6-9). It was meant to teach the believers about God's attitude to the unfruitfulness of a believer. The fig tree being talked about in the vineyard of a particular person could be likened to a believer planted in God's vineyard (Luke 13:6).
In the parable, the Man, the owner of the vineyard, came looking for fruit on the fig tree but found none; he did that for three years consecutively (Luke 13:6). In the third year, he instructed the keeper or the dresser of the vineyard to cut the tree down: " . . . WHY DOES IT USE UP THE GROUND?’ (Luke 13:7 NKJV).
Other translations say:

" . . . WHY CUMBERETH [burdens] IT THE GROUND?" (Luke 13:7 KJV)

" . . . WHY SHOULD IT BE WASTING THE SOIL?’ (Luke 13:7 The New Revised Standard Version).

The application:
Like said earlier, a believer is likened to the fig tree, a type of the fig tree in God's vineyard (John 15:2; 1 Corinthians 3:9).
God expected you to be fruitful in His vineyard, His Kingdom, on the earth. In addition to it, He wanted your fruit to remain or abound—the fruit that will last or endure: "YOU HAVE NOT CHOSEN ME, BUT I HAVE CHOSEN YOU AND I HAVE APPOINTED AND PLACED AND PURPOSEFULLY PLANTED YOU, SO THAT YOU WOULD GO AND BEAR FRUIT AND KEEP ON BEARING, AND THAT YOUR FRUIT WILL REMAIN AND BE LASTING, SO THAT WHATEVER YOU ASK OF THE FATHER IN MY NAME [as My representative] HE MAY GIVE TO YOU" (John 15:16 Amps).
What does it mean to be fruitful in God's vineyard or Kingdom? It does mean when your life becomes a blessing to other people.
What does it mean to be a blessing to others?:
a. When what you are taught, your understanding of God through your walking with Him, is being used to draw other people to God through Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).
b. When what you learned is being practiced and taught to others—other believers—for their edification and steadfastness in God (Ephesians 4:12,13; Philippians 4:9; 2 Timothy 2:2).

God frowns at the unfruitfulness of a believer. The instruction given by the owner of the vineyard, who is likened to God, is that the fig tree should be cut down (Luke 13:7).
a. God expects your growth as a believer in Christ Jesus.
b. In addition to your growth, He wanted you to bear fruit (John 15:16).
There are some believers who had been in God's vineyard or Kingdom for a number of years but they are not fruitful; such believers are the ones said to be cumbering or embargoing or depriving the land—taking up space in God's vineyard for nothing (Luke 13:7). They are receiving God's grace in vain—for nothing: "WE THEN, AS WORKERS TOGETHER WITH HIM ALSO PLEAD WITH YOU NOT TO RECEIVE THE GRACE OF GOD IN VAIN" (2 Corinthians 6:1 NKJV).
If I may ask you; you have been in the Christian faith for a number of years now, What are your contributions to the growth and expansion of God's Kingdom on earth? Remember, in the parable, the instruction or command given concerning the unfruitful fig tree is that It should be to cut down (Luke 13:7).
Thus, do something now and be part of the building of God's Kingdom on earth.
Lastly, another thing is, the more fruitful you are, the more you would be pruned. Thus, If you are being pruned, under the sharp garden scissors of God, do not be despaired; It is for more fruitfulness (John 15:2).