"THEN Peter arose and went with them. When he had come, they brought him to the upper room. AND ALL THE WIDOWS STOOD BY HIM WEEPING, SHOWING THE TUNICS AND GARMENTS WHICH DORCAS HAD MADE WHILE SHE WAS WITH THEM."
Acts 9:39 (NKJV)
Comment: The good deeds could be an avenue or a reason for God to intervene in your life and situations. Here in the above Bible passage; Dorcas good deeds to the widows in Lydda made them sent for Peter in order to pray that God might intervene and bring Dorcas back to life (Acts 9:36-41). God did honour their faith and granted their desires when Peter prayed, and Dorcas came back to life. Your good deeds or works to others could be what God would consider to help you in your day of predicament. Cornelius also was visited by an angel because of his charitable deeds (Acts 10:1-6). He and his household was sent the message of salvation through Peter, and were saved—all because of his charitable deeds (Acts 10:1-8,34-48).
To a certain extent good deeds of someone could be considered to show mercy on him or her. That being said, in the Christian tenets of faith or Bible teaching; good deeds cannot earn you eternity in God's Kingdom as taught by other religions. However, your good deeds could make you attract favour or God's mercy.
a. Your good deeds could make God arrange or order the feet of those who would tell you about salvation through Jesus Christ as He did in Cornelius case (Acts 10:1-8,34-48).
b. Your good deeds could avert God's wrath on your life; that which you or the people around you are due for (Genesis 19:1-3,12,13,1-22; Hebrews 13:1-3).
c. Also, your good deeds could open certain doors of opportunities for you here on planet earth (Proverbs 18:16); but it cannot ultimately give you a place in God's Kingdom, If you are not reborn through faith in Christ Jesus—through Whom only God could only be accessed or reached (John 3:3-5; 14:6; Acts 4:12).
Now the good deeds of Dorcas paid off because It was on the basis of it that the widows gathered together and sent for Peter in order to pray for her to be brought back to life (Acts 9:36-41).
There was this centurion whom the Jews requested that Jesus would pray for his servant's recovery from sickness because he built a synagogue for them (Luke 7:2-6). Those who benefited from the good deeds or charitable deeds of someone would want to rally around him or her If such found themselves in one predicament or another.
Bible faith and it tenets encourage good or charitable deeds (Matthew 6:1-4), but It does not equate it with the salvation that should be gotten through faith in Christ Jesus (John 3:3-5; Romans 10:9,10).
Many religions of the world, If not all, likewise cults and other groups stress good deeds in their teachings and usually make it the main condition through which God would justify whoever would receive favour or forgiveness from Him—God.
This is where Bible faith or tenets of Christian faith is different from all the religions of the world.
In the Bible or Christian faith; the only condition or channel through which God could be reached or acceessed and one's sins be forgiven is Christ Jesus—not the good or charitable deeds as taught by many other religions and pseudo Christianity.
Now, should a Christian do charitable deeds? Absolutely Yes. However, it should be done in line with the Word of God, the Bible, If there would be a reward from God—It should not be done with hypocrisy (Matthew 6:1-4).
Note: in the Bible or Christian faith; believers are saved on the basis of Jesus' righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21), and not on the good deeds of the person as taught in other religions of the world and pseudo Christianity: "NOT BY WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH WE HAVE DONE, BUT ACCORDING TO HIS MERCY HE SAVED US, THROUGH THE WASHING OF REGENERATION AND RENEWING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT" (Titus 3:5 NKJV).
2 Timothy 1:9 (NKJV)
Thus, believers are not living right or doing good or charitable deeds that they might be accepted by God, No. Rather, believers do good deeds or live right or live a righteous life because they have been accepted by God and transformed into a new person (Ephesians 2:8-10).
Therefore, someone should not think his or her good deeds would be considered after their journey on earth If they did not establish a relationship with God through Jesus Christ (John 3:3-5; 14:6).
Dorcas good deeds could only be considered to bring her back to life, but not to give her a place in God's eternal Kingdom If she did not have a relationship with God through Christ Jesus (John 14:6).
Likewise your own good deeds could not give you a place in heaven If you are not born-again; but it could give you a favour in the sight of God whilst you are here on earth—as It happened to Dorcas (Acts 9:36-41).