Sayings From Recovery - Cultivate an attitude of gratitude
There is a common saying in recovery circles that goes like this "A grateful addict or alcoholic will never use." When someone is thankful for the things they have in life, it becomes impossible for them to feel sorry for themselves and return to the thinking that they are "Entitled" to a drink or drug because they have it so bad.
Are you thankful for your blessings?

But my life is horrible!
Is it really? Let me ask you a few questions and then lets revisit how terrible your life is, o.k.?
Oh you say you don't have a job? Wow, that is terrible! But do you have hands? Can you work? Are you able? Maybe you should consider that...
Oh you can't work? You really don't have hands? Wow, that is terrible! But you can see right? I mean you are reading this, right? So you can read too? Huh, I wonder how many people woke up this morning blind or illiterate. Something to think about...
Bottom line is as long as your above ground, you are doing better than someone!
How can we make this attitude of gratitude grow?
One of the best ways to become more thankful is to do what is called a "Gratitude list." This is simply a list of, say, 10 things you are thankful today. Make sure when you are making this list that you don't focus on physical things only. Sure you can list your new car, but also pay attention to those things that we often do not. How about the fact that we are alive at all and have another day to make better choices than yesterday?
I hear from people a lot something to the effect that they don't want to be alive anyway. To this I call garbage! If you really did not want to be alive, you wouldn't be. Period. You may be depressed and upset, but somewhere deep down I really think most people that are unhappy just don't know how to change.
Change has to start with you!
A good place to start
One of the best ways to begin to change your thinking is to change your focus. This is what a gratitude list is all about. If you really think about the things you have and realize how much better you have it than some people, it gets hard to have the "Poor-me's"
You know? Poor me, Poor me, Pour me a drink!
What about the little kid that grows up never knowing anything but picking through a garbage dump and dies from dysentery at age 10? Often you see pictures of these kids and they are smiling and happy. Why? Maybe because they are thankful for every little thing they get and realize that even though they don't have much, they could have it worse still. How do they know this? Because they see it!
Now tell me how bad you have it again...
Get outside of yourself.
Try to find a way to show that you are thankful. Do something for someone without the expectation of compensation. Volunteer. Give. Do something that makes you think about someone besides yourself.
I promise you if you go volunteer at a homeless shelter it won't take long for you to be thankful for that small apartment you were complaining about yesterday!
A grateful Addict or Alcoholic will not drink or use. Why? Because they will realize how much they really have.
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Thank you!
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Naaaa just me!