How I learnt (the hard way) to have no regrets

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Mum: "This is what I got your father for fathers day, do you think he'll like it"?  My response was to haunt me to this day.    

Fast forward 15 minutes and I was off to the shops to get some things for mum and grab lunch for us all.  My 12 month & 10 day old Son was staying behind with his Nana. (He'd just had his first birthday ten days before) and my Dad had gone to play a round of snooker with some friends at the local RSA (Returned Serviceman's Association) 

"OK mum, I shouldn't be long.  If you can just keep an eye on David, I'll try to get back quickly"

To David: "Now you be a good boy for Nana OK? You do as she tells you, I will be back really soon and I'll bring you something nice to eat from the shops" 

"See Ya"

I spent the next 30 min at the local shops getting bits and pieces, I was running about 10 minutes later than what I had expected, but the break was nice even though it was such a short time.  Hopping back into the car, it was just a 5 min drive back to Mum's.  I collected the packages up and went to my parents unit.  I could see my son David playing in the bookshelf that he wasn't s'posed to.  I tapped on the window and he turned to me with a big grin....

(Laughing) "Naughty !!! "  He came toddling over.  I tried the door but mum had locked it so he couldn't get I knocked on the door....nothing...knocked and called heart started beating SO fast, I knew something was not right but I didn't want David to pick up on it...I spied the bedroom window open and decided to climb life changed forever in the next few seconds.  

I found my beautiful loving mum.  She had been doing the washing.  There was water everywhere, the tub had overflowed as the tap was on.  She was lying on the floor.  She was gone.

I wont go into any other details at this point onward.  Just to say, it was a nightmare.  She was only 59.

The thing was/is...I cannot remember if I had told her how great her present was for dad, I'm positive I did but, I can't remember if I hugged her and told her he'd absolutely love it and that she'd done so well.  (My heart is beating fast while I'm writing this)  The thing was, mum didn't drive, so for her to get this present took a lot of planning and saving. Did I just throw a casual remark her way? 

I HAD REGRETS............

23 months later, nearly to the exact day, my dad died.  He was only 61.  I was 23 with a small baby to raise, but I had no regrets. 

Today is the 1st September, the first day of Spring in New Zealand and mum's most favourite day of the year, also the day she died, 35 years ago.  

After THAT day,  when in the depths of the night I went over and over trying to remember my last words to her, I came to a decision.  From now on, no matter how stupid I might sound, no matter how weird I might appear, I would ALWAYS tell someone I loved them, I would encourage them, praise them, and never let a KIND word, not go unspoken.  So, I told my dad I loved him, I praised him for all he had done for us kids.  I took every opportunity I could to let him know how treasured he was by us all.  When he went, it was a shock,  BUT, I had no regrets, I had left nothing unsaid.

THIS is what having no regrets is all about.  

It is NOT about not getting that dress or top in the shop window when it was on sale, it's not about you, it's all about others.  Its about those harsh words about to come from your mouth....stop!!! they may be the last you utter to someone.  You see someone getting mistreated, abuse hurled at them, speak up !!!! You may be their lifeline.  Exact same goes for animals.  I don't keep quiet anymore, I don't want to lay in bed regretting and agonizing that I  should have done something when I could.  All you have to do is make the decision.  Don't get me wrong, it takes a bit of courage to speak up or do the right thing, but its worth it.  


The other day while walking through a village in our town, striding right through the middle of the pedestrians, taller than all those around him, came a "homeless" guy.  I'm sure he was wearing his whole wardrobe !!  The people parted and looked aside, I started to look to the side when I thought NO !!...I looked him right in the eye and smiled...I got the biggest smile and a wave back from him.  It made me so happy.  My husband said..."So...mate of yours then?"  "NO...but I saw him...when people look away, I imagine you feel like you don't exist...but I SAW him"  I went home with no regrets.  

So here's to the first day of Spring, here's to my amazing mum, here's to living life with no more regrets.  

God bless you all and keep you safe


Great post......Thanks for dropping this at this time

Oh thank you. I hope it will encourage you.

Thanks for sharing this story. I do my best to not have regrets but there will always be something I am sure. I like the end of your story. I have often said that you might change a persons life with a smile or at least make their day. Thank you Made In His Image.

Ohhhh that's such a great reply @anothervoice. You always make MY day when I know you've been and looked at my blog :) and you always leave an encouraging message.

Thank you Made In His Images! I really wish I was a writer there is so much I would like to say.

Thankyou heaps for sharing your story with the community. Again, you should have no regrets about sharing this with people, it may be the kick in the ass (excuse my language) someone needs to tell that special person they love them too!
Thankyou for sharing such a personal story, that in itself takes a lot of courage. I hope your first day of spring went OK, and with those sad memories I pray you have been flooded with all of the good memories as well. I am sure your mum is smiling down on you, full of love and admiration! You managed to raise a kid by yourself and have blessed those around you. Your mum would be extremely proud!!

Now that reply really choked me up. Thank you @silvernova, you certainly have a beautiful way with words. I truly appreciate your encouragement. Your right, I do have an awesome Son and i did have a day of good memories as well. Bless you heaps.

You made me cry, but a great lesson and the best advice. Speak up and have no regrets!

Ohhh sorry...yeah I was trying not to cry as I typed(but I did)...I mean it was 35 yrs ago !!!, seems like yesterday. You have a beautiful heart.

thank you for your kind reply madein-hisimage. all the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!

I tell my daughter all the time that I love her and try to get cuddles from her (she's 9 going on 18 lol) but I usually fail. Many times we are at logger-heads with each other but it doesn't diminish my love for her or my frequency of telling her. I hope in her later years that she will look back and remember her father's love.

Rob :)

You are a great father and she definitley will remember your loving words.

I certainly hope so, thank you :)

I loved that story, my dad always taught me to always speak your soul, if you don't it will haunt you until you die.

Your dad sounds like a wise man. Thank you for saying that :)

Extremely relevant. Mistakes.. comfort & convenience over priority. Delayed action, that lost value because it was time sensitive. Betraying my own heart and just failing to take the gift of life- seriously. Freedom to choose - interests and needs of others. have an awesome way with words. Beautiful (sad but true) thank you:)

Nice view on life. thanks for sharing.

Following you. Please do the same.

Great. Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you.

Thank you so much :) Dito

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