There Is No Plan B

What are the things that are important to you
Do you keep all your treasures safe behind a lock
Is your foundation in life built on worldly possessions
Or is your foundation built on God's rock
Do you put your faith in man and in the world
What are the things that make you feel safe and secure
What will you do when your securities are worthless
How long do you think you'll endure
The only solid foundation is built around God
Without God, the rock you build on will crack
Then your life will crumble and completely fall apart
And you'll go crazy because you can't get it back
All these people that believe God is not real
Are about to get a great big surprise
Your overeducated arrogance will be your destruction
Because your foundation is nothing but lies
The day is close when the Savior will return
And the world we know and love today will be gone
What will you do when you finally see the truth
And find out what you believe is completely wrong
Atheism is important to me.
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