
How many times must God look the other way
How much longer will he stay his hand
How much longer will God have to endure
As we make a mockery of all his commands
How much longer will the Savior have to endure
As mankind walks all over his name
He gave everything he had to provide a path
Now we laugh at him and take his name in vain
We see volcanoes erupting in diverse places
How many different ways is the world falling apart
There are protests and riots all over the world
And in many places, war can easily start
God is trying desperately to tell mankind
It's time to repent and turn back to him
It's time to humble ourselves and get on our knee's
And start repenting for all of our sins
We need to study his Bible and learn about the Savior
We're held accountable for what we do and say
God loves his children but he is just
And he is not going to keep looking the other way
The world really has turned their back on God. The fact that he is still sticking with us ... giving us the benefit of the doubt ... still believing we will change our ways just speaks to his greatness.
Amen Brother!