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RE: Psalm 119:105 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

I was just reading this Psalm earlier today during a Bible study with a friend of mine who needed some help. He was so grateful that we covered this, as was I. In fact, afterwards, he thanked me from the bottom of his heart and said it answered many of his questions. I thank God that these words of God lifted up his soul.


Thank you for sharing your very inspiring testimony, praise be to God!

What is Born Again? BORN AGAIN means>>>Simply # A new Light, a New beginning, new unbelievable power, new authority and new dominion over all evil people and evil spirits and being in control spiritually and security assured and the love of God begins to take shape in your life by JESUSCHRIST directing and gradually shapes your life and redirects your destiny and if you where originally made rich by God he takes You through to that your wealth hidden in secret dark places for you to possess it with the LIGHT and that's why JESUS CHRIST declared when he came to the world and said I am the light of the world and with that light you conquer all evil darkness which is why JESUS CHRIST came but ask your self why did JESUS CHRIST say I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD?AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LIGHT AFTER HE JESUS WAS SLAUGHTERED OR HAVE YOU NOT READ THAT THOSE WHO WHERE SUPPOSED TO SHARE THE LIGHT THAT HE EMPOWERED WHERE ALSO SLAUGHTERED? SO BY IMPLICATIONS IT MEANS THE LIGHT WAS QUENCHED BY THE EVIL PEOPLE WHO TOOK OVER AND SAY COME AND SEE JESUS THROUGH US TILL TODAY AND FROM THEN TILL NOW THAT WE HAVE DECLARED THE LIGHT AGAIN TO THE WORLD and then ask your self that is claiming bornagain do you indeed reign in my above unbeleivable descriptions especially JESUS LIGHT AND POWER?why not think twice , be wise and look before you leap, Behold Real heavenly spiritual revelation is not theology revelation and this is test and see as authorized and not long stories of Noahs ark and sundry .Kingdom of Jesus Christ has comeback why not investigate it if you have the means as we have authorized people of the world and do the forget this was the same way Jesus Christ shouted when he came before and those who claimed to know of God then never agreed to Jesus Christ instead they slaughtered Jesus and balanced and said to people come and see Jesus Christ through us and their descendants are very many today claiming the same thing? What a world? Mathew 13,13-14