Christianity at the center of human development

in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

Religion has always played a part in human civilization,  from the days of ancient Egyptian civilization to modern times. Religion has always played the force for the advancement of civilization also for the  destruction of various societies. 

The footprints of religion can be visibly seen today, shaping and breaking societies and culture alike, from terrorism to the hope it speaks ,  without doubt the world is constantly been driven by forces of religion for it good or end.

In all the religions of the world, there exist  one without arguments which has shaped the western world since the middle ages. We examine the role of Christianity under the lens of history in it positive and negative light.

Contrary to many centuries ago,  Christianity has been seen today as an  infection slowly eating the humankind away, as Richard Hawkins sees it, others sees Christianity as a force of hope and harmony for a better world.Without denial Christianity has been woven intricately in our society today.

Throughout it history which began 2 millennium ago from the teachings of Jesus Christ,  the christian church as brought sorrows and joys to people through it long history. We examine the various ways, Christianity as affected the progress of human civilization.

Christianity has been an influential player in philosophy and politics through the ages. The Gregorian calendar used today has been adopted internationally as the civil calendar: and the calendar itself is measured from the date of Jesus' birth. Christians festivals like Easter and Christmas are marked as public holidays in most countries of today.

Christianity has also endured various criticism ranging from controversial teachings about homosexuality and sexuality, also about the position on women in the bible.

Role of Christianity in Education:

Many of the foremost universities in Europe were founded by christian's groups during the middle ages based on it belief . Universities such as Yale University, Colombia University, Harvard University and Princeton University were founded on this belief. The summa theologica by Thomas Aquinas is one of the classics of history of philosophy and one of the most influential works of western literature.

Role of Christianity in the middle ages :

Christianity rose to be the dominant force during the middle ages, With the Catholic church known for it endless wars and persecution in this era mostly for gain.

The roman church was also known for it brutality and underhanded methods used to deceive the common mass into doing their bid, with the church using the facade of various plagues and diseases afflicting the era to influence the poor and rich and promote their selfish era

Renaissance styles of art and architecture by various artist like Leonardo Da vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael were sponsored by the church with artworks inspired from the bible such as Da vinci Last supper, and Michelangelo's Stature of David .

With sacred musical works of Mozart, Bach, Handel, Hayden, Beethoven ..., at later period being considered as classics today were composed with inspiration from the bible.

Role of Christianity in Science:

It has long been thought that reason and religion don't stand well with the church imprisonment of Galileo it could be thought Christianity don't mix well with science. Well in earlier centuries the church was known for sponsoring work of science including astronomy, but the roman catholic church was known for lack of tolerance to any work which opposes it's belief as history testifies to the church murdering Christians for just different in doctrines. Through out the ages there are notable Christians who contributed to science as we known today and the lists may startle you.

Notable Christians in Science History:

  • Gregor Mendel (pioneer in the study of genetics)
  • William of Ockham (who developed Ockham'a Razor)
  • Henri Bbencquerel - discovered radiactivity
  • Geoerge hemaitre (the first to propose the bing bang theory)

Galvanic Volta, Ampere, Marconi - pioneers on electricity and telecommunication . with high names like Boyle, Newton, Kepler Michael Faraday and James clerk Maxwell being devoted to the christian faith.

According to 100 years of Nobel prize(2005), a review of nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000, 65.5% of awards in physics were given to Christians physicist also 72.5% and 62% in chemistry and medicine respectively.

Role of Christianity in social welfare:

Christianity played a huge force in the abolishment of slavery also in the establishment of the United State of America with prominent figures like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln being Christians. The teachings of Jesus about love, peace and goodwill towards others are important sources for modern notion of human rights today.

Various christian groups such as Salvation Army have contributed towards helping the less needy and the establishment of hospitals, orphanages, schools , Soul kitchens to follow Jesus command to spread the good news to all people.

Christianity also played a part in Africa today, the earliest schools in Africa were founded by Christians missionaries . Christianity also played a part in eradicating sickness, diseases and false beliefs of the native Africans. Though the religious belief of the Africans has impeded their growth, leading them to believe God to supply all their needs with them not maximizing the resources at their disposal.

The negative problems of Christianity throughout the ages was not caused by the creed or teachings of Christ himself, but by Christians wrong interpretation of the scriptures and negative zeal. Various Christians has seen through the ages like the Roman church promoted their passions and lusts over the creed itself.


Without the Lord God Almighty and Christians, the world gets islam the cult of death and destruction..