It's not size that matters!

in #christianity7 years ago

I want to encourage you today, that whether your faith is as small as a mustard seed, or as huge and strong as a large mighty Oak Tree, you can still say to this mountain, be removed and be cast into the sea .

It's not the size of the faith - it's the One in Whom you are putting your faith! He is more than able to accomplish what you have set your faith upon. It's HIM doing the doing, you just need your little bit of faith to spark it off.

Now, of course, it's great to have strong faith like a big Oak, but we all start somewhere, and we all experience bumps in the road which rock our faith. God knew this, that's why He gave us His Word, told us to pray, worship, told us to spend time with others in the faith.

So be encouraged today; don't be afraid to step out in faith and believe, no matter how small you think your faith is. The One Whom you are putting your faith in, is well able to accomplish more than you even dare ask or think! Even with tiny mustard seed sized faith He can move mountains!


Jesus was talking to his disciples within the context of having enough faith to do the work that he called them to do. It wasn't meant for the church to make all their selfish dreams come true.

Amen, He calls us, and He equips us. And He gives us power to do His work. He never leaves us helpless.

He tells us to remove the mountains in our life that hold us back from walking in all He has for us. Whether that be sickness, debt, bad relationships, addictions...or even our own habits.

He's a good Father, and He cares for us affectionately.

I never mentioned that we should selfishly treat God as a sugar-daddy or as a means to making our "dreams come true" as you put it.
He gives us the dreams, He gives us the vision for our lives... but we do need to walk in the faith He has given us, and not become despondent when we "feel" we don't have enough faith.