False prophets Beware!

in #christianity7 years ago

Hi folks, once again i feel blessed to be able to share with you a word that is timeless as reflected both by the Savior and the Apostles....I pray that this reflection truly blesses your hearts.....

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False prophets Beware!

Elements of deception, clothe in apparels of earthly glory, feigning the truth of the power which comes from God!
It is the form which lacks the power; yet the prince of the powers of the air shields their understanding.

A race of perjured fools, seeking instant gratification and dancing to the beat of the drums of destruction-forgetting the savior’s entreaties "Broad is the way that leads to damnation".

Honey-coated lips, seducing the nations; cascading generations into the pit!
Alas the apostle had forewarned us “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived”.

And so friend, I humbly echo this timeless call as it is written in the Book “But continue thou in the things which thou hast learnt and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them”.

Bible quotes from Matthew 7:13, and 2nd Timothy 3: 13 & 14

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