Bible Quiz! Come Find out how much you know!
Hello there!
Last week was supposed to be our first week of the Bible Quiz, but because of some clashes with other programs, we changed the day and time.
As I said in the post last week, the phrase ‘Knowledge is Power’ is more than a cliché. It is a fact.
Have you ever wondered why hindsight is so clear? It is because you now know what you didn’t. It is because, with the knowledge you now have, things which you didn’t know before are falling into place, making everything clearer.
So with the more knowledge we have, we are better equipped to make the right decisions and make better choices.
If you are like me, you are probably asking yourself what hindsight has gotten to do with Bible Quiz, well I’ll show you a connection between the two.

Bible Quiz shows you how much you know (or don’t know), helps you learn more and as a Christian the more you know the better you can discern, through the help of the Holy Spirit, the falsehood the devil tries to blind us with. When Christ was tempted, all He replied the devil with was something from the Bible. He began all His comebacks with ‘It is written…’
The Bible is our only sure, safe, guard and guide against falsehood which we are seeing every day, being spawned by some who call themselves teachers of the gospel. It is only the Holy Scriptures we compare words with to be sure it is a word from the Lord. If we have the right knowledge, knowledge from the Bible, we are better equipped, better empowered to withstand the wiles of the devil.
So once again, I ask, how much do you know? How much can you learn? Join us today and every Monday on Flaminghelpers Discord Server by 7:00 pm GMT+1.
Let’s test ourselves from the Bible, increasing our knowledge and maybe win some goodies in the process!

Aunty Faith
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You are born a geniuse...know this and all the knowledge is right there...just access’s very simple. Great post. Amen
I am loving this