in #christianity7 years ago


How can Christian remain in Faith in a time like these?

As a true believer we have to look at Jesus who is our perfect example.
But we shall take a look at the life of peter,examined is life and how he was able to make it all right with Jesus.
We shall study from the book of Matthew 14:28-31

28 from NIV version
"Lord, if it's you", peter replied tell me to come to you on the water.

I think as Christian we all make this decision in life so that we can be sure if we are truly following the loard Jesus Christ so as to build how faith in him these is never bad because when we are sure we can than follow him well and served him has our Lord.
So by now if you have not start asking Jesus these question you better start now by saying loard if it's you so that you can lay a very good foundation for your life so that you can grow to what heaven as in placed for you.
Matthew 14:29

" come ",he said. Then peter got down out of the boat,walked on the water and came toward Jesus

See the lord Jesus response he said peter is me don't you remember me again we use to eat together, remember you are a speaker in my ministry,buy now after the lord has spoken like these these peter is very sure now that is Jesus but steel remain in is boat because is conditions where not meet yet but has soon has Jesus give the orders Mr peter stood up and start moving on the sea.
But look at your life today Jesus has give you permission but you can move because doubt will not let you your faith has weekend you completely your faith is smaller than mustard seed so it is not possible for you to practice what heaven has make available for you.
My brethren think today has your faith developed , can you enjoy heavens tressure for your life please develop your life.
We shall what latter happen to peter shall be discourse in my nest write-ups.
God bless you all.


You got a 31.69% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @emma-gana!

Surely this is a amazing passage from scripture, Peter, by beleving in Christ and trusting him was the only men, after Jesus, to walk on the water.