Daily Devotion - God Gives Growth

in #christianity7 years ago



I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth — 1 Corinthians 3:6

Taking a walk with my two year old son can be rather frustrating. It feels like he has his own agenda to go no where fast! Similarly, when heading out the door he seems to have many pit stops that slow us down.

Life and ministry can feel the same way. Pit stop after pit stop, and road block after road block, we become frustrated at the pace of our spiritual growth, lives, and God-given ministry.

Yet, we must remember who is in control. God’s race and HIS growth can look very different from a secular view of growth and success. He has his own path and it might involve some slowing down. We must not get frustrated and realize where the power comes from. In reference to the church that Paul founded at Corinth he says, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” Growth comes from him and it’s through him! Nothing comes from us. Find peace in the fact that we don’t need to muster up the power for anything, he just calls us to be obedient.

As Hudson Taylor says,
“Gods work done in Gods way will never lack Gods supplies.”

As you go about your ministry, plans, jobs, and spiritual walks-remember it’s not up to you. You just need to walk in obedience. The power comes from HIM. Enjoy those moments of rest and pit stops along the way.

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