Responding to John MacArthur's Sabbath Article
Should Christians keep the Sabbath? David Wilber responds to an article from John MacArthur's ministry, Grace to You. Twelve objections to keeping the Sabbath are addressed.
Here's a link to John MacArthur's original article, "Are the Sabbath laws binding on Christians today?"
Some additional resources:
5 Reasons Christians Should Keep the Torah
Should Christians Keep the Sabbath?
Great video, Happy Sabbath!!!
Definitely adding you to my follow group ;-)
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. :)
What church you belong too?
I attend and serve at Freedom Hill Community:
What about you?
Hi @davidwilber, I like your website and I noticed you guys worship on Sabbath! Not many Protestant churches remember to keep the Sabbath holy, unfortunately. That's really cool.
I'm a Seventh Day Adventist, so I'm in agreement with you on the importance of the 7th day. When I can't attend my local church I like to watch sermons from Doug Batchelor's church. He's pretty awesome!
you are handsome ! i am from Venezuela . a vote for you .