Thoughts for the day - 3/12/18

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.
Luke 15:31

Yesterday my wife and I watched a show having a title containing the words "prodigal son", so naturally I assumed we were about to watch a biblical documentary of a sort on this parable. To be fair, it was on subject; however, it concentrated on the unyielding love of our Father in heaven vs that of our human fathers'. Sadly, for many of us, it takes a great effort to see anything decent in the Father of all creation when we attempt to view Him through the weaknesses and shortcomings of our earthly father.

This restricted view of our Father leads many to seek fulfillment in a multitude of unnatural and unhealthy ways. If the father is inept, weak, uncaring, unforgiving and unimpressed then then how can I be anything more and why should I care about myself and really, why does anything matter? So the generational spiral of failed relationships and a life filled with the consequences of poor choices and yes, evil desires finds no end but death.

I pray this day that Father's everywhere understand the lifelong significance of their roles as the earthly example of our creator. Yet, even more I pray that if you have not had the luxury of knowing our Father in heaven through your earthly father, that you know this today -- you are loved, you matter, you were created to be an heir to all that the Father has to offer, everything you desire that is good is yours through Him. He is always with you and He always has been. When you fall He is there. When you fail, He is there. When you cry, He feels your pain and is there.

You have not done anything that the Father does not know about and there is nothing that you have done that prevents you from being with Him for eternity, but it is necessary to accept these things as sin and ask the Father for His help and forgiveness. You will not receive forty lashes from Him, but instead, he will reply -- I have been with you always, you were lost and now you are found!

Everything the Father has is yours and He longs to share it with you and shower you with love, just say yes!

Many Blessings.



It saddens me when people believe God doesn't care about them when he says at Zechariah 2:8 that he that is touching you is touching my eyeball .... How else can he prove that we are too dear important to him..
Imagine comparing us to his eyeball..
I don't think there's any other thing we protect or that means much to us than our eyes...
@gem.and.cookies I so love your contribution in this topic... Logically your very correct about your observations on the prodigal sons father, he must have been looking out every day for his lost sons return

More like 24/7 : )

The reference to Zech 2:8 is so appropriate and fitting to the reflection today. Thanks for bringing it up as I was drawn to it and caused me pause to marvel at God's love for each of us.

Thank you sir,
Your admonishment is a great encouragement to me

I like the message behind all of this. Even if you dont believe in god you can take away a good least i think so

Yes, of course you can. A caring, involved and supportive father is critical to a healthy family.

I of course pray that all Fathers look for strength and guidance from the Father above.

Yes I believe that everything the father has is mine all I have to do is take a bold step.
My prayer is that he help me to take that bold step.amen

If you ask this in His name my friend, it will surely be given to you. When the spirit move you, be bold!

I pray you will make this step.

This is really true and the reason why the families nowadays are so broken is that men have not done what we, men, are created to do. Often times we have failed to be the spiritual leader of our household and someone else has becoming the "leader" of the house; we have failed to be the example that reflects our Heavenly Father's grace, humility, hope and love within our family. Our relationships with others also reflect the relationship that we have with our God as well, we need to look more within to see that is our responsibility and our problem for broken relationships, before we can fix those relationships. Great reminder :)

Yes, you are so correct. I truly believe so much of the current troubles we are having with youth and even young adults can be attributed directly to the family and most specifically the relationship the father of the house established with his children. When there is no father the statics are very clear, there is likely to be real problems.

Keep loving on your family Stephen and many blessings!

I always wondered how the father was the first to see his son returning from a long way's off. Of all days, it had to be this day that the father was looking out at the direction the son was coming in. Isn't this strange? Then it hit me! It meant that everyday the prodigal son was gone, the father was always looking out for him, hoping and willing that he'd return one day. He never tired of it as after years that the son was gone he was still looking out. He never felt bitter or angry toward the son but continued to love him despite everything.

Our heavenly Father is like the father in the story only much more loving and hopeful and forgiving. He is always expecting to see you return to his loving arms and when you don't, He continues to wait without fail, without tiring and without losing hope.

How wonderful is our Father in heaven!

And I'll bet there is a good chance He had to wait on you for a bit! He certainly did for me. I thank Him daily now for this and it humbles me completely, while at the same time it gives me tremendous joy -- it is impossible not to share His love.


He's still waiting @bycoleman. I still haven't come home yet but I would like to believe my journey home has begun.

Gems, He has wrapped you up in a big bear hug!

Not only that my friend. The Lord is nudging me big time now. Perhaps one day, when it is done, I will write about it to glorify Him.

I very much look forward to your coming words!

Amen, yes our Almighty Father is always with us but we have to walk on the path of faith with the help of Holy Spirit and we have to accept our sins because we will receive forgiveness. So let's walk on the path of Almighty Father. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Thank you brother for sharing as well.

May your path be steady and joyous.

Welcome and thank you. 🙂