Christianity and Government - Good men in authority?
I've heard from many Christians that Jesus was a libertarian. As a Jewish pantheist myself, I suppose that the benefit of all religions which preach any kind of morality is that they give us a spiritual reason to be better people and help make society more ethical. The only time that Jesus used violence in the Bible was when he turned over the tables of the money changers in the temple. He consistently preached peace and nonviolence, so it would be hard to conclude that he was anything but a libertarian.
In Dallas today, I was at a strip mall with a church in it. It had a sign in the window that read, "God Bless America! 'With good men in authority, the people rejoice; but with the wicked in power, they groan.' Prov. 29:2.” To me, the message couldn't be more clear: If we want a good Christian country, we have to get rid of all coercive government.
I would assume that a Christian idea of a good man is one who adheres to the golden rule. Since no one would want their property or persons violated, a government that does unto others horrific things like home invasions over victimless crimes is wicked. I would assume that a Christian idea of a good man is one who respects the wisdom of the Bible, like in Genesis where it says, "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” A government that decrees certain plants to be illegal and violently punishes those who disobey is wicked. I would assume that a Christian idea of a good man is one who supports the concept of Christian just war theory. A government that wages war against peaceful people and kills children at weddings with drone strikes is wicked. I would assume that a Christian idea of a good man would be one who obeys the ten commandments. Since thou shalt not steal, and #TaxationIsTheft, clearly today's concept of government is as wicked as it gets.
Putting the sexism of this verse aside, and understanding that when I say government, I am using the term in only its common use to refer to a territorial monopoly on violence funded by theft, it is clear that every good Christian must also be a libertarian. This is not just an interpretation, but an ethical imperative since libertarianism is the only political philosophy based on the ethical standard of the non-aggression principle, and thus the only one in line with Christian ethics.
As a man of peace myself, I am not calling on Christians to pick up the sword against government, but rather to turn the other cheek, and render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. That famous Bible quote from Jesus was in response to the question about whether or not to pay taxes. "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's." Let Caesar have his money with his face on it. If you want to serve God, do not use it, and do not pay taxes.
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24. To serve government in any way is an afront to God. Government makes us all wicked when we play along even in the slightest because to give in to the immorality of government is to say that God's law has exceptions. "Thou shalt not steal, unless you're an IRS agent." "Thou shalt not kill unless a military general orders you to." "Thou shalt not bear false witness unless you're a politician." To say that you can make exceptions to God's law for government is to say that God's law is no law at all, or to acknowledge that government is the work of the devil and a good Christian should have nothing to do with it.
Of course I'm not a Christian, so far be it for me to tell someone how their religion tells them how to live. But I cannot hold my tongue in light of the massive hypocrisy by church leaders in America who support coercive governments and "lead their flocks astray."
First Samuel Chapter 8 makes God's views on government very clear: All the elders of Israel assembled and went to Samuel at Ramah and said to him, “Now that you are old, and your sons do not follow your example, appoint a king over us, like all the nations, to rule us.” Samuel was displeased when they said, “Give us a king to rule us.” But he prayed to the LORD. The LORD said: Listen to whatever the people say. You are not the one they are rejecting. They are rejecting me as their king. They are acting toward you just as they have acted from the day I brought them up from Egypt to this very day, deserting me to serve other gods. Now listen to them; but at the same time, give them a solemn warning and inform them of the rights of the king who will rule them. Samuel delivered the message of the LORD in full to those who were asking him for a king. He told them: “The governance of the king who will rule you will be as follows: He will take your sons and assign them to his chariots and horses, and they will run before his chariot. He will appoint from among them his commanders of thousands and of hundreds. He will make them do his plowing and harvesting and produce his weapons of war and chariotry. He will use your daughters as perfumers, cooks, and bakers. He will take your best fields, vineyards, and olive groves, and give them to his servants. He will tithe your crops and grape harvests to give to his officials and his servants. He will take your male and female slaves, as well as your best oxen and donkeys, and use them to do his work. He will also tithe your flocks. As for you, you will become his slaves. On that day you will cry out because of the king whom you have chosen, but the LORD will not answer you on that day.”
If you serve today's government, will the Lord answer your prayers? Clearly not. "Good men" do not seek authority through the violence and coercion of government. Many of us who "wake up" to libertarianism end up rejecting religion as well, but to make a better world, we must be called to a higher standard of ethics, not a higher standard of theological alignment. I'm sick of seeing secular libertarians bash Christians and Christianity. Personally, I don't care what your faith is so long as you live ethically. So to all the Christians who might read this, turn the other cheek and do not seek to use the violence of government to control others. Let Caesar have his money and let's do our best to be tax resistors by using barter and Bitcoin. Let us all live up to the standard of Christ, to the standard of God, to the standard of ethics and do everything we can to banish the wickedness of government from Earth once and for all.
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'But I cannot hold my tongue in light of the massive hypocrisy by church leaders in America who support coercive governments and "lead their flocks astray."'
It was a goal of the Obama regime to infiltrate the churches and have them preach liberation theology and postmodernism. There was even money to do it arising from George Bush's "faith-based initiative" funding. Like all of Obama's funding, getting dollars was tied to promoting his crazy liberal agenda.
What you are hearing out of the Pope's mouth recently is called "liberation theology". It is a tailoring of Christian teaching to communist ideology.
Most churches have caved to the communist agenda and it is driving parishioners away. They don't stand for appropriate morality and so there is no point in attending.
Adam, I really like your last paragraph. You summed up your point very well. Especially the line about "let Caesar have..." I will remember that line. Give Caesar back his toilet paper, we'll keep the Bitcoin.
This is very synchronistic. This morning, my sister and I had a conversation like this (she was very Catholic during high school). Most Christians are fake AF, or called "Churchians."
Jesus was an anarchist. He said you cannot serve two masters. He also took on the main illusions of then (and sadly still now): Government, the Theocracy (in the form of the Pharisees and Sadducees), and the debt system.
A world without money is still something I'm working on, but I'm open to the idea.
The police and military (order followers) of his day punished him for "breaking the law."
Most churches don't speak out against the power of the state because they enjoy the hold of mind control it has one people (the root words Guberno: to control, Mens/mentis: mind). Or they're cowards. Or they don't want to lose their precious 501 c-3 tax exemption.
Thank you for writing this.
I was thinking the same thing! Let Caesar have his fiat, I'll HODL my bitcoin!
I think religion and the state server each other. Every religion opposes government only when there is no agreement between them. Christianity opposed rulers till they did not let the church to lay its own authority and when the rulers became 'devoted' christian, they helped each other against the common man, peasants, surfs etc. I think Jesus was the real revolutionary, likewise Buddha, who were against the atrocities and crimes committed by the state and the contemporary prevailing religion against the commoners. But his so called followers (priests, church) used his name and ideas (contorted), for their own benefit. This is the reality of humanity.
It did not start like that, but in todays world, you would be correct. It all started with the end of prosecution of Christianity and then it became a Roman state religion, and then a justfication of war.
I agree with most of this but Christianity is clearly not Libertarian. It's socially conservative. Paul's letter to the Romans is all about how Rome has descended into pedophilia, gay sex, and orgies. This is an unsustainable and shameful predicament that puts the Romans at odds with God. Without changing their ways, the Romans will be judged harshly by God.
If Christianity was Libertarian, why would Paul and everyone else in the Bible be worried with the sexual degeneracy of the Romans? Why would they preach to people to stop having orgies and being gay? Why would they worry about the abuse of drugs and all the shameful vices that drag us down into hell?
That being said, I agree that the government is completely corrupt and we need to be using the bitcoins and avoiding taxes at all costs.
You can be worried about "sexual degeneracy" and "drug abuse" without advocating coercion to deal with them and thus be entirely libertarian.
There are certainly elements of Christianity that are not libertarian and seem to contradict other elements, but the core ethics of Christianity are definitely libertarian.
Being a libertarian does not mean that you can't have differences of opinion. You can even try to convince people of your opinion. You simply cannot compel people to follow your opinion.
There are no "good men in authority", for a good man seeks not to rule over his peers.
This entire post is nought but useless religiosity, but since you're running for president in the nation with BY FAR the dumbest populace on the planet, then I understand all this religious mambo jambo, in Coca-cola Yankee McDonald's land you ain't in the in-crowd lest you an ignorant Bible thumper...
Do carry on though, for sake of humor, I haven't cared for the fate of NA for years now, for all I care, ya'll deserve Yellowstone to clean you off of the map. Without a shadow of a doubt.
Oh, what a peaceful planet it would've become... "the kingdom of heaven".
Awesome your post (Adamkokesh)thanks
Religion as an institution will always be necessary, rather than for a belief of something beyond death, it provides social "models" of coexistence (The Ten Commandments are for me the first written constitution.) I am a believer, but I am aware that Religion has been used for the particular purposes of those who hold political power, very good article, friend, Fustell de Coulange already described it in his work "The Ancient City" Greetings from Venezuela
Wow, I was so surprised when I was reading that because people find it difficult to post. Thanks for sharing