The Ressurection

in #christian7 years ago

Peace be with you! ever since the resurrection this has been His watch word for those who yearn for Him. As you sit quietly, let His peace settle over you and enfold you in His loving Presence. To provide this radiant peace for you, He died a criminal 's death. Receive His peace abundantly and thankfully. It is a rare treasure, dazzling in delicate beauty, yet strong enough to withstand all onslaughts. Wear His Peace with royal dignity. It will keep your heart and mind close to Him. ----John 20 : 19, 21 ; ------- John 14 : 27risenhd_main.jpg


great poster! now this is the mystery,can anybody defeat death? can a person choose to be stinged by death and after dying, choose by him/herself to rise up again. here's the really the thing..Jesus chooses to die and had the power to choose when to rise up again..

Very well said!

good christian post thank for shearing

You're quite welcome.

really good christian post........thank you

Thanks for the good comment.

God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power; love and a sound mind. His gift to Israel was to give them peace. It is the same today as it was back then.

True,very true.

God gave man the right to choose and often a person chooses darkness, rather than light.

люблю общаться со знающими Слово Божье людьми.

good religion :)

Thank you very much

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