in #christian6 years ago


“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.” Proverbs‬ ‭23:7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Dearly beloved and friends,many people are short changed on the route of destiny because of the stigma of their past situations or circumstances.Jesus can make a difference.

"There is therefore now,no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,who walk not after the flesh,but after the Spirit"(Romans 8:1).
Don't let any man define you by what you were,for your old life is past and is history.
Behold a new life in Jesus is here.Your must change your thinking and intentionally arise and live(Isaiah 43:18-19;Philippians 4:8).

Examples of those who were referred to by their past situations despite newness of life.

1.Blind Bartemaeus, (Mark 20:46),
2.The Prodigal son (Luke 15:18-20).
3.Doubting Thomas (John 20:24-25)
All these even after being healed, blessed or restored respectively.
4.Jabez refused to be defined by the curse placed upon him by the mother(1 Chr.4:9-10).
5.David refused to be intimidated.(1 Sam.17:45).
6.Hannah refused to be defined by barrenness, she cried to the Lord and got her miracle child .(1Samuel 1:19-20).

Refuse to be defined and associated by negative and retrogressive connotations.Those who condemn you are not better than you.Jesus asked the accusers, whosoever has no sin should cast the first stone at he(John 8:4-11).

Read what God says about you:
1 Peter 2:9 ,Isaiah 43:4, 1 Tim4:12,Romans 8:37.

What to do:
1.Place a great value on yourself and your life.
2.Never cheapen who you are, situations notwithstanding.
3.Authoritatively define what you need; don't be defined by situations.
4.Reject every and any negative pronouncement over your life,family,church and business.
5.Return arrows of destiny destruction to senders.(Isaiah 49:24-26)
6.Speak life,goodness and wellbeing to your situations and those of your loved ones.
7.Keep saying prophetic words to yourself."It shall be well with me and my tomorrow shall be alright"
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬.

Prayer Points:
1.Father,thank You for giving me peace of mind.
2.Father,let my past be past,let me arise and live in the newness of Your joy.
3.Father,in the name of Jesus,I reject and renounce any condemnation over my realm.
4.Father,henceforth let no man trouble me:for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
5.Father,set me totally free from any guilt of the past ,let Your precious blood wipe it all out.
6.Father in the name of Jesus lift me up above reproach,sorrow and shame.