in #christian7 years ago
  1. He looked weak, helpless and worn-out
    Yet He was full of power on the inside.
    They laid many stripes on Him
    But He had His eyes on me all along;
    For the stripes worked healing in me.

  2. Wearing a crown of thorns and a scarlet robe
    With a reed in His hand;
    He was the perfect caricature of a king.
    The soldiers made Him so
    Yet He was the King of kings.

  3. I can almost hear the voices of the soldiers
    “Hail, King of the Jews!”
    The voice of Lucifer the fallen angel in melody
    “Oh, what a plan Elohim had! A plan indeed!
    Victory is certain!
    The people of the world will soon be mine forever!”

  4. They spat on Him
    They hit Him
    They mocked Him
    Yet He didn’t reach any elastic limit,
    Indeed He had no elastic limit.
    He could stretch to the ends of the world
    And snap not!

  5. Come to think of it.
    He could have called down legions of angels
    And the soldiers would have been no more.
    [And] He would have been justified as the King;
    Before the eyes of men of course.
    It would indeed have felt good,

  6. He thought of me
    And then gladly bore my burden;
    He saw the glory ahead
    And then reckoned that the sufferings of this present time
    Are not worthy to be compared with the glory ahead;

  7. They led Him towards Golgotha
    The weight of the wooden cross
    Crushing His bones.
    Simon of Cyrene took the cross
    But He was still under the crushing powers of the Cross,
    The sin of the whole world.

  8. At Golgotha they gave Him a drink
    Mixed with gall, a pain-killer.
    Though thirsty, He drank not
    For He will bear the pain fully
    Just for me
    Just for you.

  9. Then they nailed Him to the cross.
    With every stroke of the mallet,
    The dark kingdom thought the way was closing.
    The Light Kingdom knew the way was opening.
    A striking contrast.

  10. The nails invaded
    The flesh ripped asunder
    The bones cracked
    The blood vessels ruptured
    Blood sputtered!
    His anatomy was a mess!
    No beauty to desire.

  11. The chief priests… the scribes… the elders
    They were not left out
    “You saved others; save Yourself.
    If You can come down from the cross
    We will believe You.”
    The offer was tempting
    And He could prove Himself too

  12. There was nothing to prove
    He knew He was the King
    He knew He was the Son of God
    He knew… therefore He needed not prove.
    More so,
    That was not the way.
    This, the cross, was the way
    The Father had instructed Him thus.

  13. 12pm
    It was upon the face of the deep
    Something was about to happen
    [Just] As in Genesis.

  14. 3pm
    He knew it was time
    He has been made sin
    The Father had looked away
    “My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me?”
    The cry was piercing.

  15. “Why have You forsaken Me?”
    He knew the answer
    [This was the way
    If the world must be saved]
    But His body was still a body,
    It felt the pains excruciating.
    But the Will of the Father He must do.

  16. It was time
    A piercing cry again
    Then He yielded up the ghost.
    The penalty for sin.
    My sin He bore
    And yours too
    He paid the penalty for us;
    He died our death,
    So we can live His life.
    For in Him,
    We are dead to sin
    And alive unto righteousness.

  17. Amazing things happened
    The earth quaked
    The rocks rent
    But more amazing
    Was the event at the Temple.

  18. The veil
    That veil
    That separated the Most Holy Place from the Holy Place.
    That barred people from His Presence
    Allowing only the High Priest once in 365 days.
    That vail was ripped from top to bottom.

  19. Now
    I can enter
    You can enter
    Into the Most Holy Place
    Into the throne room
    To behold His Beauty

  20. Now
    The way is open
    Not only the High Priest can enter
    But all who believe
    In the finished work of Jesus Christ
    [Matthew 27:27-51]