Perfect Peace

in #christian8 years ago

With today's society looking more and more chaotic everyday, it is easy to get wrapped up in worry over what is to come. If you turn on the news you will see headline after headline of new nuclear threats, impending wars, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters. It is easy to become anxious, and for fear to creep into our hearts.

Even as children of God it is easy to lose our focus and become fearful of all these things. Like Peter walking on the Sea of Galilee, as soon as we turn our eyes off of God and onto the storms of this life, we can sink into a pit of despair. This is why our focus must remain on Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Yes, things in this life can be scary. Yes, it is okay to think ahead and plan for things that may come, but this should not be our main focus. Our focus should be on serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and fulfilling the commands he has given us.
Compliments of

Be Steadfast of Mind

Isaiah 26:3 NASB
The steadfast of mind you will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in you

It is a very simple command, but can be so difficult to achieve. How do we become steadfast of mind? How do we achieve this perfect peace? The answer is to spend time daily in prayer and study of God's Word. The more time we spend with the Lord, the easier it will be to withstand the storms of this life and have that perfect peace. Like an athlete who spends hours honing their craft, we must condition ourselves to be ready in times of despair.

We can expect the headlines to be filled with darkness. Our world is sick with sin and the only cure is the return of our Lord and Savior. We must be prepared for what lies ahead and be the lights that shine in the darkness. May you find your perfect peace in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayers for Peace,



Excellent message @jhensley17, and a wonderful reminder to keep our eyes on Jesus.

Thank-you for these wise words.

Yes, the only true wisdom is that which comes from God's Word!