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RE: Weed: Does God approve of us using it regularly?

in #christian-trail8 years ago

How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low! (Is. 14:12).

In the Latin Vulgate, that’s:

Quomodo cecidisti de caelo,
lucifer, fili aurorae?
Deiectus es in terram,
qui deiciebas gentes.


Thank you, I read that passage and in the chapters proceeding it, God is speaking about the King of Babylon. My interpretation didn't lead me to conclude God is speaking about lucifer here, but I absolutely could be wrong.

Actually if you really want to know more about Lucifer, the fallen angels and other stuffs, you have to read the books which were removed from the original Hebrew Bible. Our Bible today has already been changed. As far as I know there are 75 or more books that were removed. We have so much questions about our Bible today that is hard to understand and interpret. When you read those missing books which were removed, it would be of great help to understand more. I suggest you read first "CAVE OF TREASURES BOOK 1 'BEFORE GENESIS''' then go for the rest of the other books. Maybe "The Book of Enoch" which is much popular I guess.

@writewords, thank you for this article. It gave me some insight about a few people I know who smoke weed. I started a serious Bible Doctrine Bible study blog a few days ago. Part of this study to come later on is Angelology which deals with angels and fallen angels like lucifer. I also read about your mission, this study may also help you in your mission.