Our Daily Bread 25/05/2018

in #christian-trail6 years ago


For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Romans 8:15

Romans 8:14-17


We use millions of names to describe God in the Bible. All the name used in describing Him are important, One of these names is "Abba" which is one of the important in knowing how God relates with us. This word "Abba" means Daddy. It is loving name which little children call their father. The name describe the coral relationship between the two of them, and also means the complete thought the young children have in their father. Note that not all those who believe in God can call him Abba. The question is "who can called refer to Him as Abba?" Only those who have the courage usage to call Him "Abba". These are people that believe in Him,his only begotten Son and the sacrifice he made for us according to Galatians 4:6

Moreover, only those that respect their father can called him Daddy, so only those that only God have the boldness to called him Daddy (Mal 1:6). One way to honour God is by keeping all his commandments.

The way you relate will God will tell if you can call Him Daddy. It is very important that we are true children of the great Abba, there are so may blessings attached to being in true child of God. God meets the needs of his children and load them with blessings. The question is "Are you a true child of the God?" if you belongs to the true child of the Great Abba, congratulations. If you are not a true child of God, my brethren, you are losing.

Daddy, draw me nearer unto you and make me Your son in Jesus' name