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RE: The ABC's of Christianity

in #christian-trail7 years ago

Very good post

God is Love. And that was the Good News of Jesus of Nazareth: "Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself."

Then there is a path proposed by God to humanity, it is a path that everyone must decide whether to take it or leave it. Whoever decides to choose this path should manifest the love of God with his example of life, in each of the acts of his daily life. Whoever decides not to take the path established by God, which is the path of love, freely and voluntarily turns his back on God, separates himself from God and works his own way.

In the end, it will be our fruits that will determine our final destiny. God has given us life; and with that gift he gave us the freedom of choice. We must choose if we decide to add in the construction of the kingdom of Love on this earth or we decide to add in the destruction of that kingdom of love, through hatred, selfishness, greed, intolerance and violence.

The challenge is to consciously, voluntarily and freely assume the decision, to add each day in the construction of the kingdom of God on this earth.