Open Church

Greetings fellow Steemians.

Welcome to Open Church

Open Church is an initiative by @majes, @nextgen622 and the Christian trail community on Steemit. It aims to be a place where Christians on Steemit can hang out, encourage and build up one another, and reflect the love of Christ. Steemit is not all about money, but it's also a community of real people with real needs. So let us be a community of brothers and sisters that can Truly support one another with our real lives. Hope we can put aside the money element of Steemit and enter into authentic fellowship with one another.

Each week we will be putting up a new post with a new topic or theme for discussion. But feel free to come here just to fellowship and be a blessing to one another. Whatever denominational background your from, or if you're just curious about the Christian faith, everyone is welcome.

So feel free to share a link to your favourite worship song, share a word of encouragement, a prayer request, or introduce yourself. But please do not promote any posts here, or get into any arguments here.

“That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.” - 1 John 1:3

Anyone want to kick us off with a song of praise?

Be Blessed.


I heard the Christafari version of Oceans first, but in case you haven't, here it is.

Also, this one by Keith Green is incredibly humbling and honest in my opinion. Enjoy it.

Keith Green was/is special, only the Lord knows why He took him Home so early. Oh Lord You're Beautiful is prob my favorite of his:

I think that my top three Keith Green songs would be Asleep in the Light, There is a Redeemer, and the one I shared the video to. A lot of great options though, for sure!

O yes, Oceans is one of my favorites too. For anyone who hasn't heard the Hillsong version, here it is.

These parts of the lyrics speak to me most: I want to take your word and shine it all around but help me just to live it Lord. When I am doing well, help me to never seek a crown for my reward is giving glory to you.

Here's one from New Creation Church in Singapore---Let's all speak to those mountains.....

By the way, this makes a great 'workout' song----starts out slow so you can warm up then speeds up.... This one always cheers me up---hope it does the same for you!

Thanks for sharing. Beautiful harmony. :)

Amen and Glory to God! This place will be like a haven of rest for all of us. Finally there's a room for us to gather, pray and worship God all together. Please pray our church in the Philippines for God to continuously use Jesus the Hope of All People Church to reach more souls for Him. Thanks and God bless us All!

The words of that hymn are so powerful!

This song has a lot of meaning to me...I'm sure it'll be a blessing.

Great idea, I am excited to see our community growing here.

To God be the Glory...

I hope no one attacks me here for listening to Bethel! If you don't approve of them, please keep it to yourself!!! If you do, ENJOY! :] This one is specifically for anyone who's going through cancer! <3

Thanks for sharing mate. No one's going to attack you here. We're all here to worship Jesus and encourage one another. :)

Luv Bethel worship, always go so deep into God..

These are two of my favorites.

No More Jew, No More Greek - written and sung by Clint Anderson.

The gospel message in song,

Just imagine yourself sitting and eating with Abraham as you listen to the lyrics.

When We All Get to Heaven - sung by Clint's children

They are so happy!

I hope that you enjoy them both.

God Bless

This is a great idea!

Perfect songs to listen to first thing in the morning.

I'd never heard this before. I love hearing psalms sung.

Me too steemtruth, The book of Psalms is one of my favorites because David really shares his heart. It's great hearing it in music.

Thanks for sharing. And here's a favorite of mine.

Oh mannn! I love this one! Have you listened to this cover? I like this cover more than the link you've shared! I was introduced to this song through this cover. Maybe that's why!

O yes, I heard this one just recently. Love it! Hearing praise music sung and recorded live is often more powerful. You can feel the power of the words as she sings it. These lyrics touched me deeply when I first heard them.

Great lyrics! :]

Oh! How I love this. I'll happily fellowship with you. Thanks @majes and @nextgen622.

Welcome. Glad you could join and fellowship with us. :)

Worship 06/18/17 from The Point on Vimeo.

Your Love Never Fails - Jesus Culture (led by Dave Herring) No Longer Slaves - Bethel Music (led by Dave Herring) Man of Sorrows - Hillsong (led by Dave & Amanda Herring) In Christ Alone - Keith Getty and Stuart Townend (led by Dave Herring)